Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Love Blog: Day 2

Yes, I know, I haven't blogging in approximately 4 days, but I have good reasons. Which I'm going to explain in an unscheduled blog post. Because we have another boy to talk about today!

So last week we talked about my 2nd through 4th grade love, Sam. Today is about my 5th grade friend-crush. A boy named Brent.

He was my best guy friend in 5th grade. Being a pudgy Asian child who hung out with two girls, he got badgered a bit by the other kids dudes in our class. Because they were all just oh-so tough and macho. Pfff.

So anyway, he was a good friend and all. We had quite a bit in common, surprisingly. We both liked Harry Potter [He, my friend Sarah, and I even came up with a 3 person Harry Potter fan club], reading, various other things. We had the Potter club meetings at lunch, where we sat in the same seats everyday, My friend Sarah at the front of the table, me in the middle, and Brent next to me. In a line.

I somehow always knew he had a 5th grader crush on me. Because really, how many guys actually hung out with girls in fifth grade? And who called one particular girl he hung out with quite a bit, more than a normal boy would care to disclose. And, for that matter, invited the previous girl to his 11th birthday party [pool party, that is] and only invited the other girl he hung out with because he thought the first girl 'wouldn't have any fun'. Which wasn't true, of course.

If there's a pool, I'm there. Swimming like a fish.

But the real kicker about the whole birthday party, was that I was the only girl [besides Sarah, who he invited to entertain me, I guess] at the party. Technicallly. His sister was there, but she had to be.

So obviously, I assumed he had a 5th grader crush on me. What girl wouldn't?

And of course, the pubertic [Is that a word?] hormones were raging at that point, so I liked him back.

The real travestiy of the whole situation is that he never showed any inclination of telling me that he liked me. His friends would always say things, but I thought they were just teasing him.

In sixth grade, one of his friends, I believe his name is Hunter, told me in passing that Brent still liked me. I immediately sought out the advice of my Bulgarian associate Iana, who told me she would find out for sure. Then the truth came out that he liked me, so Iana and her then-boyfriend Josh went up to him in Language Arts, before our teacher came in, if he would go out with me. 

To which he replied, "Huh?" 

They pressed on.



And so they assumed that was a yes. 

Three weeks later, my Bulgarian associate Iana brought to my attention that he wanted to break up with me. 

So that's the story of him. To be honest, he's really quite dorky now, but he's ridiculously funny, and has THE best Asian name ever. 

You ready for it?

Tup Tup. 

Seriously. I'm not joking.

His parents also own one of the best Thai restaurants this world has ever known. 

Well, that's Day Two of Love Blogging. Hopefully I'll write something tomorrow as well. 


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