Friday, August 21, 2009

My Life is Pretty Lackluster

I am THAT much closer to my goal of 50 books this year. I only have to finish Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty, and Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, and I'LL BE DONE. It shall be the first New Year's Resolution I've ever kept. 

Speaking of which, Sloppy Firsts is AMAZING. If you read Hayleyghoover's blog [which is brilliant, by the way], you may have heard of it. Megan McCafferty is a genius author. I'm halfway through, and I just started yesterday. So that's saying quite a lot.

My mom is on this Zumba kick recently, so instead of just going to a class at our rec center on Wednesdays, she's going to go to one on Mondays along with a weight class at another rec center. The weight/Zumba classes are also on Thursdays. I went to try one last night with her, and the weight part was REALLY hard. Seriously, my arms stiffen up whenever I move them above my shoulders. So I will not be going with her on Mondays. 

I have discovered The Element Song. Well, not me. I saw it in an episode of NCIS. It's BRILLIANT. Catchy, too. I can't sing along, though, because there's so many words, but it's still very interesting. 

I really should get a box set of NCIS. 

Ok, that was all I had to talk about. So I'm just going to go now. [=

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School Starts In One Week!

Yes, it's true. Exactly one week from today, I will be sitting on some horribly uncomfortable chair connected to a crappy desk in a classroom that looks like a prison cell. Or something to that effect.

And the sad thing is, I'm happy to go back. 

Well not exactly. I'm not happy to go back to the prison that my school looks like and is. But I'm happy to go back and see all my friends all day, every day, for another year. Take a conversation we had in Reading this past year for example.

At this time, I was going out with this non-to-bright kid Roger, as was explained in my Love Blog. We had reading together, and we had a long-term sub because our teacher had a child. As also said in my previous blog posts. As he didn't sit at the same group of desks as I did, my lovely table mates moved over so he could sit next to me. Then came several other teenage boys from the other groups, and soon enough, there were 10 of us sitting at one group of desks with multiple extra chairs pulled up, having a Yo Mamma joke contest. 

Then Roger had the wonderful idea to tell us about his strange dream the night before. That started a whole other discussion of the strange dreams we'd had. One of my table mates, Delaney, had a dream where she was running, and she hit her leg against her bedroom wall and woke herself up. I had one where I was being held down by some crazy women whose hair was snakes in a pool. She was screaming at me "GIVE ME MY CORN FLAKES!" I don't actually know what I had to eat before I went to bed that night, but it must have been something extremely strange. 

Then Roger told The Joke. The Joke that made us all die of laughter and the bitchy sub not let us talk. 

There was this woman. She was 88 years old. She wanted to kill herself. So she went to her doctor and asked him how to kill herself. "How do I kill myself?," she asked. "You simply shoot yourself two inches below your left boob," The Doctor said. So she went home, got herself the gun her husband kept in his dresser drawer, and shot herself two inches below her left boob. Do you know where the woman shot herself?

An inch above her left ankle. 


That put us over the sound barrier, right there. 

You may be asking yourself at this moment in time, "So is that why you want to go back to school, Rachel? Because you'll be surrounded by juvenile boys making stupid jokes?" No, that is not exactly why I'm happy about going back to school. It's just the whole sense of being together, sitting in the same classes, enduring public education until we are released. Sitting around a group of desks making really crappy jokes, too. 

I guess you could call it a feeling of togetherness. Something like that. 

So yes. That is why I'm happy to go back to school. 

And that, folks, is your dose of Rachel-ness for today. Because to be honest, I'm getting creeped out. A cloud is set over my house, and it looks like it's either A) 3 a.m, or B) The Apocalypse. Goodbye for now! 

Friday, August 14, 2009

Lack of food, and more NCIS

There is no food in the refrigerator, pantry, or anywhere else. I haven't even had breakfast yet. It's ridiculous. My mother goes to the store up to 3 times a week, and there's no food. 

I'm now obsessed with watching clips of NCIS episodes on Youtube. It's crazy, I know, but I just get so entertained by watching McGee and Abby act like they don't romantically like each other, but they really do. Or Gibbs be so protective of Abby. And Tony and Ziva? JUST MAKE OUT ALL READY. 

Gosh. I'm such an angsty teenager. 

And then I start crying because Tony got the Plaque, and Tony blew up but not really, and Abby got stalked, and Gibbs got blown up. Various other things. 

I literally had a dream last night that I was a NCIS field agent, and Tony, Ziva, Abby, McGee and I went to a bar, and then all of a sudden, Tony and Ziva went to the bathroom together, and never came back, and Abby and McGee just started making out on the bar counter. It was weird. I think I shouldn't eat popcorn before bed anymore. 

Gosh, now I'm just on a rant about how much I love a television series. 

Oh, and McGee and Tony had to take off their shirts in one video. That was pretty fricken' awesome. 

Ok, I've found some sort of food-like substance. One of those strawberry-cream cheese Bagelfulls by Eggo. Their really good when you haven't had any food in 15 plus hours. I'm counting sleep in that, so don't be all like, "Oh my god Rachel, you're an ANOREXIC!" Because I'm not. I eat quite a bit, actually. Just not that much during the day. 

I have had terrible blog posts this week. Seriously, nothing exciting has gone on at all. 

I'm going to a jewelry party tonight at my mom's boss' house. The boss' wife sells jewelry for this company, Silpada, and every couple months she has a great big sale on the season's jewelry. And she has a party at her house, where people can come and look at the stuff for sale, eat food, and drink her and her husband's wine. 

They have a whole air-conditioned closet thing for their wine. There's around 350 bottles in it. And it can hold 500. 

I suddenly feel not safe, because it is thundering and shaking the windows, so I'm going to end the blog now. Hopefully I'll see you Monday! Bye guys!

Books of the Summer: 31 
Books of 2009: 47 [I'm only three books away from my goal of 50 for the year!!!!!!]

Thursday, August 13, 2009

J.K.Rowling,Thunderstorms, NCIS, and Dogs.

Right, so I've got to make this really quick, because it looks like the apocalypse is approaching. 

Or a really bad thunderstorm. One of the two.

Yesterday night, I discovered J.K.Rowling's Official Website. Let me go squee for a second. 

Ok, I'm better. The whole website has riddles and things on it. Truly awesome. I tried to solve it, but I failed. Miserably. And it's not like I didn't try. I tried all right. For two and a half hours, I tried. And I STILL FAILED. 

Oh well. The fail whale has set sail for me.  

I've spent the past 3 hours watching clips of NCIS episodes. I have decided that Abby and McGee need to have children. And Ziva and Tony need to date, because they know they need to. 

I realize that it's fairly pathetic that the only show I watch on TV is a show about Naval Criminal investigators. But I can handle pathetic. Especially if I get to see special agents McGee and Dinozzo almost daily. Mostly daily. Ok, everyday. But they're cute, ok? 

Does anyone else's dog bump your hand when your typing your blog because she wants to go outside? Because mine does that all the time. It's weird. And annoying. Because I have to keep erasing whatever I was writing because it goes all asjkflasjaslkghakl. And stuff like that. 

Ok, that really wasn't quick, but it doesn't really matter. I'm going to go empty the dishwasher, because I was supposed to empty it approximately 5 hours ago. See you all tomorrow! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

British Dudes, Chicken, and Insomnia

Hello! Today's blog is going to be about British dudes. And why they're way better than American dudes.

Seriously, why are they so much better looking that American dudes? Take Charlie, for example. Is he not the cutest dude ever? 

Ok, now I sound like some teenage girl stalking some guy on the Internet. Don't take that the wrong way.

Last night I made the Suprêmes de Volailee à la Milanaise all by myself. To the non-french speaking people [including me], that is chicken breasts covered in parmesan cheese and bread crumbs, then sauteed in butter. Lots and lots of butter. I did not realize this before, but the French really really like butter. 

It was the best chicken I personally have ever tasted. 

This blog is so disappointing. 

Oh, here's something exciting! I think I've got sleep insomnia. Maybe. 

See, here's the thing. I have to get up for school at 6:30. So I take every chance I get to sleep in late and stay up late. Especially now that it's summer. So I went to bed last night at 11. Which is actually early for me, because normally, I stay up until past 12 reading or watching late-night TV. 

So as I said, last night I went to bed at 11. I woke up at 5, when my dad gets ready for work. I tossed and turned for a little while, and finally went back to sleep. Only to wake up at 6:45. My mom left for work at 7:15, and I went back to sleep until 9. From 9 to 10:30, I couldn't sleep, so I just moved from one side of the bed to the other for a while. Then I got up. And I'm always exhausted when I get up now! It never used to be like this. Oh well. I can always read more! 

I'm going to go because my mother is coming home. Yay! Not really. Her new thing to do is leave me to-do lists every day. I was supposed to empty the dishwasher, but I didn't do it. So I shall go do it now. Maybe see you tomorrow! 

Monday, August 10, 2009

Suite Scarlett, Julia Child, and Pastries

Hello all! I've decided I will blog no matter what, for the rest of the summer, every day except the weekends and other extenuating circumstances. Fair? Good! On to your regularly scheduled programming. 

As I was surfing the Interweb today, checking Facebook and various things, I saw on Twitter that Maureen Johnson was going to give away Scarlett Fever, the sequel to Suite Scarlett. To get said book, you have to prove that you've read the book, considering that it is a sequel, or convince Maureen that you've read it. I tweeted her a quote from the book. Specifically, "I have literally been more passionate with a fake streetlight"-Spencer.

I hope quite much that I am picked, but I highly doubt it will happen. 

I saw Julie & Julia yesterday with my parents. As we were buying our tickets, a massive line of cars pulled up to the box office [the theater has the box office outside] and out popped 25 different elderly people. And they were all going to see Julie & Julia. What a coincidence.

But really, it was a good movie. Meryl Streep had Julia Child nailed. The whole movie made me really hungry. So last night, we promptly went to Target, and bought Julia Child's cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking. We're even making the Chicken rolled in Parmesan and Bread Crumbs. Or Suprêmes de Volailee à la Milanaise.

I like the English way. 

Prior to going to the movie, we went to this little cafe called Frida's. They have coffee and breakfast stuff, and pastries, and stuff like that. I got a bacon, egg and cheese breakfast panini and milk, because their coffee sucks terribly. 

So anyway, we got a few mini cakes [because I fully need more sugar].

School's in a week and one day. I'm oddly happy to be going back. I'm not sure about my teachers and stuff, but just to have all my friends around every day is going to be awesome. 

What the Buck? I just got the mail out of our mailbox, and I've somehow become eligible to travel and study in China in the summer of next year. And the thing's printed on this weird thick paper, like it's expensive or something. I feel like I'm being watched now. Like they've got those weird mini cameras that they had in the Spy Kids movies I was obsessed with as a kid. 

Oh, and a shout out to Ben, who's blog you should read. 

I just spent the last 5 minutes watching this video  from Flashdance. We danced to that song at the wedding reception I went to on Saturday. Oh the brilliance of dance movies. 

Well, everyone, I must be going now. Mazal tov, and see you tomorrow! <3

Friday, August 7, 2009

Love Blog: Day 4

So today is day 4 of my Love Blog. So let's jump right into it! There's several dudes we're going to talk about today. Well, not several, technically. Maybe the correct term is a few. 

So, yesterday was Alex, so I believe Jason was after that. 

Ah yes. Jason. The oh-so proud Korean womanizer at my school. He was one of the more casual crushes, really. It's not like I ever had a chance, but whatever. Pretty much ever girl in our grade has fallen for him at some point. Only the lucky few get chosen. Or some culty thing like that. 

Then there was Roger. He was the only actual boyfriend I've ever had. And by 'boyfriend', I mean a dude who you meets after his French class, walks you to your Math class because he has it with you, walks you to your 7th period class and hugs you goodbye for the day. Then, when he gets home, logs onto his computer, and sends you millions of IM's. And the only time he said 'I love you', was in an IM conversation. I ended that after a month and a half. Well, if we're to be technical here, Stella did it for me. [And I totally owe you for that. If you need me to break up with your stupid boyfriend for you, ever, I'm happy to oblige] 

Jabe, John, and Danny all lasted approximately 10 days or less. I didn't go out with them, of course, but I did feel a twinge of frisson. So I'm going to say that they count. There wasn't ever really anything exciting that happened, because frankly, I doubt that Jabe or John actually liked me. Danny did at one point, but I overlooked it, so it doesn't really matter.

And to round up the year, was Darius. The white Arab. [inside joke]. I was attracted to his curly hair [which rivaled only a few people's, including my own], his ability to ace every single math test, thus beating me in grades. Not trying to brag, him and I were 2 of around 5 in our class that actually did the work without much effort. And he was pretty funny. 

But one day, when I was in Tech, I exclaimed that we were going to play Truth or Dare. So, we went back to the studio [long story] and sat in our respective seats, and played Truth or Dare. It came to my turn, and I picked Truth, as always. And they asked me who I liked. And I just HAD to tell them. I mean, in the world of 7th grade, you can't just refuse a Truth question. So I told them. And by 'them', I mean Jabe, John, Danny, and my female Tech friends, Shawna, Zoe, and the wannabe friend Victoria. She's another long story. And I made them swear to not tell him. 

But of course, in the world of 7th grade, no one actually abides by the swearage. 

So John went and told him. I really should've just expected it.

So the next day in Language Arts [we had that class together], one of Darius' friends, Erik, came up and told me that Darius would be right back. I believe the term he used for him was my 'lover boy' or something to that effect. 

And that just went awkwardly. His friends crowded around him doing what 7th grade boys do when they find out their friend is liked by a female. My friend Koni and I tried to pretend that nothing odd was actually happening. I really should've just used that opportunity to tell Erik that I would explain to my friend Sarah that he would like to take her on a little midnight cruise around the bay and that he thirsted for her loins, or something creative like that, because behind his back, I got Danny to tell me who he liked. That would've fully shut him up. Dang. 

So, to end this as to not bore you, I ran out of class as soon as the bell rang, went to my chica Chris, explained the situation to her, and told her to find out what he thought. She happily obliged, being the wonderful female that she is. It took almost a week, I got Stella to MySpace him [how thoughtful right?] and as we were talking on AIM, she got his reply back. 

'No', it said. 'I don't really like her.' Stella posted it in our IM, and I just about had a coronary. That was one of the worst feelings I've probably ever had. But oh well. I'm over him now. [= 

You've finally completed the chronicle of my love life. Thanks for riding, please exit to the right. Remove all personal items from the... Ok, I'll stop. 

I hit the 30 book mark for the summer last night. XD 

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Love Blog: Day 3

Hello everyone! I went to a Zumba class yesterday night with my mom at my rec center, and to tell you the truth, it was really really fun. And the instructor, she's British. Oh yeah. 

So, we're on to boy number 3 today. I believe we're now at the beginning of 7th grade. 

Well, it technically all started at the end of sixth grade, when this mystery boy, Alex, showed up in my Tech class. He said he was transferred from another middle school in our county to our school. After a few weeks, he started going out with my friend, Becca. 

But it wasn't until the beginning of 7th grade that I started liking him. It was an extremely stupid move on my part, because he was really REALLY strange. But as a 12 1/4 year old, I didn't really have very good judgement. 

And by strange, he's like, REALLY DISTURBED. Stella, you know what I mean.

So I had a crush on this guy. Then Becca, the one that he was going out with in sixth grade, tipped him off that I liked him, and all hell broke loose. 

So he asked me in gym how long I had liked him, I said 3-ish months, he asked me if I could date, I said only in school, and that was the end of that. 

This is really boring, isn't it? This boy was one of the more dramatic, and I can't really be very entertaining about it. 

So here's a slightly more entertaining anecdote about my Zumba experience last night.

My mom read a story about Zumba in this weekly feature in the paper. And she's borderline obsessed with losing weight because she's 'not getting any younger' and all that menopausal crap. 

So off we went to the local recreation center for our class. Our instructor, as I said, is British and her name is Nancy. She's EXTREMELY energetic. She hooked her Ipod up to the speakers, and guess what came on? Just guess. 'I Gotta Feeling' by the Black Eyed Peas. 

The other stuff was a lot of Latin music and mambo and at the end, Nancy even played 'You Should Be Dancing' by the Bee Gees, and my mom almost had a stroke, she was so excited. There was an older woman, probably in her fifties or sixties, a twenty-something who is the sub for Nancy, a few thirty and forty year olds [including my mom], and a larger woman who's daughter is the twenty-something. There's another teenage girl in there, I'm guessing she's anywhere from 13-15. Her mother and my mother were talking about how they can barely keep up in the class because they're so out of shape blah blah blah. All in all, a nice bunch. 

Well, that's it for today everyone! I think I'll be able to finish the Love Blog tomorrow or next Monday, because half of the guys from 7th grade can be grouped together. [=

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Love Blog: Day 2

Yes, I know, I haven't blogging in approximately 4 days, but I have good reasons. Which I'm going to explain in an unscheduled blog post. Because we have another boy to talk about today!

So last week we talked about my 2nd through 4th grade love, Sam. Today is about my 5th grade friend-crush. A boy named Brent.

He was my best guy friend in 5th grade. Being a pudgy Asian child who hung out with two girls, he got badgered a bit by the other kids dudes in our class. Because they were all just oh-so tough and macho. Pfff.

So anyway, he was a good friend and all. We had quite a bit in common, surprisingly. We both liked Harry Potter [He, my friend Sarah, and I even came up with a 3 person Harry Potter fan club], reading, various other things. We had the Potter club meetings at lunch, where we sat in the same seats everyday, My friend Sarah at the front of the table, me in the middle, and Brent next to me. In a line.

I somehow always knew he had a 5th grader crush on me. Because really, how many guys actually hung out with girls in fifth grade? And who called one particular girl he hung out with quite a bit, more than a normal boy would care to disclose. And, for that matter, invited the previous girl to his 11th birthday party [pool party, that is] and only invited the other girl he hung out with because he thought the first girl 'wouldn't have any fun'. Which wasn't true, of course.

If there's a pool, I'm there. Swimming like a fish.

But the real kicker about the whole birthday party, was that I was the only girl [besides Sarah, who he invited to entertain me, I guess] at the party. Technicallly. His sister was there, but she had to be.

So obviously, I assumed he had a 5th grader crush on me. What girl wouldn't?

And of course, the pubertic [Is that a word?] hormones were raging at that point, so I liked him back.

The real travestiy of the whole situation is that he never showed any inclination of telling me that he liked me. His friends would always say things, but I thought they were just teasing him.

In sixth grade, one of his friends, I believe his name is Hunter, told me in passing that Brent still liked me. I immediately sought out the advice of my Bulgarian associate Iana, who told me she would find out for sure. Then the truth came out that he liked me, so Iana and her then-boyfriend Josh went up to him in Language Arts, before our teacher came in, if he would go out with me. 

To which he replied, "Huh?" 

They pressed on.



And so they assumed that was a yes. 

Three weeks later, my Bulgarian associate Iana brought to my attention that he wanted to break up with me. 

So that's the story of him. To be honest, he's really quite dorky now, but he's ridiculously funny, and has THE best Asian name ever. 

You ready for it?

Tup Tup. 

Seriously. I'm not joking.

His parents also own one of the best Thai restaurants this world has ever known. 

Well, that's Day Two of Love Blogging. Hopefully I'll write something tomorrow as well. 


Friday, July 31, 2009

A Brief History of my Almost Non-Existent Love Life

Hello all! This week, for your burst of Rachel mind junk, I'm going to tell you a story each day about a guy I've liked in my lifetime. It will in fact, take up a whole week. 

It all started in 2nd grade. I fell into 7 year-old love with this boy. We'll call him Sam, because frankly, that is his name. From 2nd grade until fourth grade, I was loyally in love with him, and at that time, boys were still in the mindset that girls carried cooties. So he really had no idea that I existed as an actual person until fourth grade.

There was a rumor going around our class that one of my best friends at the time [who I later found out was a cold-hearted bitch] liked Sam. Which wasn't the case. They were having some sort of 4th grade malice fight, and I was acting as messenger. Lucky me. One day, I was sitting in my room, thinking, hey, why don't I give Sam a letter professing my love to him? At the time, it sounded like a swell idea. 

But it was not a swell idea at all. 

As I gave him the note, he said, "If this is from Jordan, I don't want it." To which I replied, "No, it's from me."

I went back to my desk, watching him out of the corner of my eye. He read it, then threw it in the garbage. 

Did I mention that I signed said note with 'Love, Rachel'? I thought it would spark frisson between us. Not that I knew what frisson meant until I read a Meg Cabot book, but you know what I mean.

So after he tossed it in the garbage, I felt sort of relieved. He didn't come over to address it with me or anything, so that was one less awkward thing to worry about. But then, I saw this other boy in my class, Tristan, who absolutely despised me, pick it up out of the garbage. He read it, and then looked suggestively in my direction.

Which fully gave me a minor stroke.

He then showed it to his friends, who did the same thing he did. Meanwhile, I was sitting in the bathroom attached to our classroom, doing deep breaths, trying to control my sobbing so no one could hear. 

My teacher then came in with the infamous letter, and promptly shredded it into tiny, little pieces. 

Needless to say, she was a very good teacher. If not for that act alone, for many, many other things.

So I went home, cried a bit, then came back on Monday. No one said anything about it to me directly. Until lunch, Sam was sitting at our class's table, a few seats down from mine. When the kids who bought lunch went up to the lunch line, he leaned across the table and said, "I'm sorry that happened on Friday." And then he went back to eating.

He was a nice guy then, and he's still a nice guy now. We've never talked about that day, and I hope we never will. I still talk to him, too. He's been in a few of my classes in 6th and 7th grades. 

**Stella, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about, and if you ever say anything to him or anyone about this, I will personally pay a forensic scientist to kill you, and dispose of your lifeless corpse so that no one will ever find it. Love you. [=**

Well, folks, that's the first installment of this week's theme. See you tomorrow! <3

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How I Fail At Blogging

Yes, I know, I haven't blogged in a while. And I am truly sorry. But I'm going to stop talking about that and jump directly into the actual blog now.

Tuesday, I went to the doctor. I had to get a yearly checkup sort of thing and a shot. But then, my amazing mother decided, hey, why don't you get a meningitis shot? In case there's a sudden outbreak at my school, I'll be immune. So I got two shots on Tuesday. They didn't hurt that much, but the one I was scheduled to get, the hepatitis A shot, burned just a tad. I could basically feel the vaccine liquid stuff going into my bloodstream. But other than that, Tuesday was pretty great.

Yesterday, I was rudely awakened by my mother at 7:55 in the morning. Which is about, say, 3 to 4 hours before I normally get up during the week. I promptly laid in bed for half an hour while my mother screamed from across the house to get up. It gave me deja vu from the many, many days of waking up at 6:30, only to get out of the bed at exactly 6:45. She always yelled until I physically got up. Ah. Those were the days. 

Anyway, after I finally got out of bed and shoved something resembling food into my mouth, we sped off to her friend Michelle's house. 

Michelle used to own a salon where my mom got facials and various other things, but now, Michelle and my mother are friends, and the salon is closed, so she waxes my mom's brows for free.

She also tweezed my brows for me, so now the don't look as bushy and frightening as normal. It's a refreshing change.

After that, we ran various errands around town, came home, ate lunch, and went to the mall. I got an oversize sweater vest/contraption and a button down orange plaid shirt at Charlotte Russe, and we got my dad a gift card at Dillard's for his birthday. 

When my mom and I were cleaning out my parent's half of my closet, we found some old shirts of my dad's that he never even wore. AND THEY'RE FLANNEL! I've always wanted a flannel shirt. And these are free! Of course, I have to roll the sleeves up almost all the way to free my hands, but still, it's soft. And there's two of them! One is blue plaid, and one is orange plaid. 

My Teen Vogue magazine just arrived. Taylor Momsen is on the cover. I really should watch Gossip Girl. I hear it's very good. The cover of the magazine boasts 'What to do to acne that just WON'T GO AWAY' and 'Fierce Fall Fashion'. And yet, this is one of the strange things that relaxes me the most. Reading fashion magazines. Go figure.

Anyway, my parents are going to be home soon, and the quiet will leave, so I'm going to go to my afternoon yoga now. See you tomorrow! Hopefully. [=

Friday, July 24, 2009

Harry Potter, German Chocolate, and The Grand-Rents

I've been really slacking at blogging lately. I should do something about that...

I've been at my grandparents for the last two days. It's been... interesting.

Yesterday I scrubbed the pantry with Soft Scrub, and now my cuticles are in a pathetic condition. So if anyone has some complaint about my cuticles, please direct it to my grandparents. 

Today my grandma and I made a german chocolate cake. Well, I mixed the box mix and eggs and water and things together and put it in a pan. And she put the frosting on. And it's a good cake and all, except that when my mom brought our piece home, the frosting stuck to the foil on top. So now there's a frostingless cake sitting in our fridge. 

I'm going to see Harry Potter tomorrow. 

Excuse me for a second.


Okay, I'm better. I'm just so FUCKING EXCITED. Excuse my language. 

I'm going to have a post-potter [depression] blog post tomorrow, most likely. The only trouble is that my father wants to take me to the movie, and I'd rather not look like a blubbering idiot in front of him. So I might go with some buddies. [= Then we can all look like blubbering idiots together. XD

Speaking of Harry Potter, I'm going to go hunt down my nerd glasses to wear tomorrow. Sorry this was so brief, but my parents are breathing down my neck. [= Ah, parents. 

Books of 2009: 42

Bye everyone! <3

Monday, July 20, 2009

I Have Dresses

Yes, it's true. I've caved into the feminine world. Which, if you know me, is really quite astounding. 

I have bought dresses. 

But I have a fully important reason why I bought 3 dresses in 2 days. My dad's coworker got married at the County Courthouse, so he's going to have a reception-thing at his subdivision's clubhouse. [He apparently lives in a Townhouse]

So I have three options. 

Choice Number One. It fits me really well, and it ties in the back. It's semi-flowy, and the bottom's got some sort of pattern--like eyelet? But it seems a tad boring for a teenage girl to wear to a summer wedding reception. 

Choice Number Two. It reminds me of sherbet. The top makes me look like I actually went through puberty, which is a refreshing change. 

Choice Number Three. This is my personal favorite. I like the pattern and that it's strapless. It seems like something you should wear to a summer party. 

So, those are my options. I'm not really sure which one I want to wear. Stella? Suggestions?

Upon buying these dresses, I have also fallen in love with Forever 21. Don't judge me.

I've been watching Harry Potter cast interviews all day on Youtube, and apparently, for the quidditch scenes in HBP, Rupert had to have a 'bum cast' so he could sit on the broom. Hehe. 

Have they finished filming for The Deathly Hallows Part 2? I would be oh so willing to be an extra in the killing Voldemort scene. I could totally scream and cry and start hugging people for no reason. 

I'm currently reading The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen, and it's pretty entertaining. I started reading it at approximately 12:17 last night [or this morning, actually], so I'm extremely tired today. I woke up at around 11 today. 

Goodbye all! I'm going to go eat something so I don't die of hunger. See you tomorrow!

P.S. I lost count of how many books I read over the summer. My guess is 23, but that could be off. 

Books of 2009: 40

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sarah Dessen is Quite Entertaining

She really is. I have proof.

She's so entertaining, I read a whole book and a quarter of hers over the weekend. 

Which is saying something. 

Speaking of books, I went to Borders yesterday with my mother, only to find something EXTREMELY strange. They put all the good Young Adult books in the front of the store, and put all the 10 and under books on the DVD shelf. THE DVD SHELF. Do these people not realize what a debacle this is to YA regulars like myself!?!?!? And to top it all off, once I did find the 'Ink Shop' [which is what they're calling the good YA book section], NONE OF THE BOOKS WERE IN ANY TYPE OF ORDER. They only had 2 of Maureen Johnson's books. They only had An Abundance of Katherines for John Green. And they only had Someone Like You for Sarah Dessen. 

This is obviously a very large problem. 

Luckily, however, I could find what I was looking for. Which was Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle, and Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen. 

After I got home, I had to decided where my new books would reside on my bookshelf. Which then spawned a whole hour of organizing and reorganizing and alphabetizing and moving shelves. The OCD really spewed out. 

Who's ready for Harry Potter? I am! I managed to scrounge up Order of the Phoenix from the Bargain DVD Bin at Sam's Club. And it was EIGHT DOLLARS. That's just crazy. 

And I bought it. Duh.

So I'm going to watch that later. I just finished watching How To Deal on Youtube, and it was quite entertaining. 

I wish my city would've done a tribute to Michael Jackson.

Na na na na na na, na na na, hey Jude.......

Well, au revoir for now!

Books of Summer 2009: 20
Books of 2009: 36


Friday, July 10, 2009


Yes. It's true. I am back. From my grandparent's residence. 

During my brief stay at the above residence, I actually bored my grandmother to sleep. I've hit an all-time high. Well, she might just have been tired. She can't even watch TV in the evening without falling to sleep.

But still. Are my conversation topics really so uninteresting that it actually bores people to sleep.

Maybe I'm just overacting a tad. 

I went to the DMV with my mother today. We had to get my father a sticker for his license plate. Normally it's not that much of debacle. But today was quite different.

I walked in with my mother, thinking that this was just a regular visit. I don't mean to offend anyone, and I'm not racist. But I was the only white person in the whole DMV. My mom   is olive-complexioned. And sitting in the DMV office, I was getting death glares from everyone else. It wasn't a very happy experience. 

Anyway. My grandparents woke me up at 8:37 this morning. And I went to bed at 11:30. It is completely unacceptable for me to be awake before 9:30 a.m. 


Daniel Radcliffe is a very competitive person. And he cheats at Monopoly. 

Isn't he just dreamy??????? Insert loving sigh here.

His joke on the Today show. 

"What's the difference between a stoat and a weasel?"

"Well, the stoat is stoatally different from the weasel and the weasel is weaselly recognizable."


He goes on the sexy list for sure. 

Well, I'm going to go make myself a s'more. Goodbye!

Books of Summer 2009: 19
Books of 2009: 36
S'mores of Lifetime: 6

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Mother Has Left Me to Fend for Myself

Well, not really. She had to run errands this morning, and because I'm the lazy night-owl that I am, I find it completely impossible and pointless to wake up before the hour of 10. So she left to run her little errands, leaving me [and her precious dog] alone. It's really not that different from regular days when she's at work. 

Needless to say, I felt very adult-y. I made myself breakfast [or a pseudo breakfast. It was just toast] and got myself a cup of coffee [even though she made it first]. Then I laid around the house for a half an hour, reading. I did my exercises [which I'll explain in a few paragraphs], while my mother called me 3 times. 3 TIMES! She's supposed to be running errands! Not calling me!

To punctuate that, my mother just called me to ask if I want anything from Sam's Club. She's getting me a ten-pack of gum. Because I really need more gum. 

Ok. The 'exercises'. I've been trying to get in shape. I really want to wear that bikini I got. And I would like to look good in it. So I've been doing squats and sit ups and dumbbell rows and this weird butterfly movement I've made up. I actually like exercising. 

I think it's going pretty well. 

I won't be blogging for a few days. I'll be at my grandparent's house until Friday night. They want me to clean their house and things. I secretly think my parents are shipping me off to the grandparent's house so they can have the house all to themselves.

Thanks, guys. 

I have to go eat tuna now to please my mother. We have to leave in 'exactly 45 minutes!' to get to my guitar lesson on time. Then I have to go to the store with her, and then to her work to fix the printer that her idiotic co-worker failed to fix. And then on to grandma and grandpa's! 

Books of Summer 2009: 18
Books of 2009: 34


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dill is My Mom's Crack

My mother is addicted to dill. Ever since we went to her long-lost friend's house. Her friend had salad with celery and dill and other vegetable-things in it. And now she's addicted. 

Her friend got her on a salad kick too. We've had a salad every single night. She likes to throw around the terms 'protein' and 'only 2 grams of fat!' It makes her feel smart. 

Forever the Sickest Kids did a cover of Taylor Swift's song 'Love Story'. It's kinda good. It's more rock-sounding, but it's not a total cover failure. 

My parents  dragged me to Sears last night to search for a vacuum. We REALLY need a new one. Our vacuum is 20 years old. There's approximately 3 layers of electrical tape on the cord. 

They didn't find the ultimate one at Sears, so we went to Target instead. I had a giftcard from my birthday, and I got Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen, and 'Friend Me', which is all three books in the Mates, Dates series by Cathy Hopkins. 

I'm going to go watch the Michael Jackson Memorial/thing on TV now. I probably won't watch all of it. I hope they play some of his songs. I need to dance. 

Books of Summer 2009: 17
Books of 2009: 34
S'mores of Lifetime: 5

Bye !

Monday, July 6, 2009

Here's An Interesting Little Idea......

Hello everyone. I'm really bored at the moment, so I'm going to blog! Yay! 

The 4th of July was ok. We didn't end up going to my mother's friend's house to watch fireworks, because my mother decided that she had a headache. So we just play with the sparklers that my mom bought me. It was enjoyable. My dad threw a lit sparkler at the roof to scare the rats away. It didn't work too well. The sparklers gave off a whole bunch of smoke too. My mom and I, being the rational and practical people that we are, went out to the driveway for our sparklers. We didn't think that setting things on fire in the bone-dry backyard was a very good idea.

This is my child. Her name is Mandy. She has ears that have the texture of velvet. She is lovely.

She just started barking when I told her she was going to be on my blog. 

My mother likes her better than she likes me. It's really not fair at all. I'm the one that came from her loins. She has to send me to college. Or at least act like she's going to. 

I can play Ode to Joy by memory now. On my guitar. It's not that impressive, but I feel proud of myself. I just started going to lessons last Wednesday. 

Well, everyone, I'm going to go do some Pilates. Don't even laugh. SOME people have to lose weight around here. [That people would be me] 

Books of Summer 2009: 16
Books of 2009: 33
S'mores of Lifetime: 5


Saturday, July 4, 2009

My First S'more

I had my first s'more last night. I made my mother and I s'mores to eat before we watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. [Which I must say, wasn't that great of a movie. It was funny and all, but the events strayed a lot from the actual book.]

It was the most amazing, appetizing, sticky mess of a snack my taste buds have ever experienced in my very short teenage life. 


Ok, maybe that's a tad dramatic. I'm a teenager. We're all dramatic. 

My favorite song at this very moment of 4:54 P.M. is: Damned if I do Ya [Damned if I don't] by All Time Low. It's very catchy.

Who's Steve McNair? My dad said he's a quaterback for the Tennessee Titans. Anyway, he died. Which sucks. So RIP Steve McNair. 

My mother and I might watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding tonight, then go to her friend's house for fireworks. The friend's husband bought 700 dollars worth of fireworks on sale for 500 bucks, which I think is still a lot of money. I haven't tried my sparklers yet. 

Books of Summer 2009: 16
Books of 2009: 33
S'mores: 2

Bye everyone! Happy Independence Day! 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I Hate All Construction Equipment

Guess what I got at Target?!?!?!?!?! SPARKLERS! I've never used them before, and I'll probably burn my hand or something on my person, but they just look SO COOL! 

I'm thirteen. Get over it. 

Look at this picture.           
You see how there were trees before? This picture was taken by me, this morning. This is what they've done in 3 weeks. 

They've cleared out almost every single tree. And every day, from 8 to 3 o'clock, they shake our house. Like an earthquake. Or what I would imagine feels very earthquake-like, considering that I live in Florida, and we don't get earthquakes. We get hurricanes. 

But I guess every rose has its thorn. 

 I have a Dailybooth now. If anyone actually uses Dailybooth anymore. 


10 Things In My Room:
  1. Writing Notebook
  2. A ticket stub from The Proposal
  3. My library card
  4. 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson
  5. A card deck
  6. Two 4.0 medals
  7. Catch-22
  8. Cherry Chapstick
  9. Guitar Method Book 1
  10. Master Lock
I must go eat lunch now. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

These people are so STUPID. Goodness

Hello everyone. 

I had guitar lessons today. It was very interesting. My teacher's name is Tony, and he's very serious about his music. He's been playing music for 24 years. He's from Lebanon, then he moved to Canada. He's French. His daughter is 16, plays 6 instruments, and is going to graduate from high school 2 years early. And he is NOT GAY. He told me himself. 

Do you see this sunset!? Isn't it pretty? My parents didn't think it was pretty enough for me to go out in our backyard, stand on a chair, and take a picture of it with my Grandpa's camera. But it was. It really was. 

My day really wasn't that interesting, so I'm going to go. But first, I'll leave you with a picture of la casa de Rachel! 

It's actually a nice house once you get inside. My old house was cooler, but it was in the most gang-influenced, drug-infested part of town, so we moved. It's actually only a few blocks away from my school! Imagine that. 

Bye guys! See you tomorrow! 

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wow, I have no social life.

Hello all. Today is Tuesday! And I have no idea why that's special.

I woke up surprisingly early today. And it was raining! I love the rain. I have a supernatural connection with water. When I was a teeny tiny baby, my parents would put me in one of those baby rafts, and they'd put me in my grandma's pool*. I'd kick around the pool for hours. And any time it rains, I find it necessary [to my parents' dismay] to run around in the rain like a crazy person. 

I think I'm going to put a conversation between my mother and I in this blog every day. She's so clueless, it's entertaining. Here's one from last night. We were watching the news, and the newscaster went into a story about Bernard Madoff and how he got 150 years in prison. [Speaking of that, how freaking great is that?!?!?!?] 

Mother: Who's Bernard Madoff?
Me: He's the bastard who started that Ponzi scheme.
Mother: What Ponzi scheme?
Me: THE Ponzi scheme. How is it possible that you don't know this?!?!?!
Mother: I don't have time to know things. [I roll my eyes]
Me: You're so uninformed. 

[This part of the conversation was when the newscaster was talking about a military coup or something of that sort.]

Mother: What's a coup?
Me: Go look it up.
Mother: Just tell me.
Me: GO LOOK IT UP. In the big book in my room. 
Mother: I don't have that kind of time [AGAIN I roll my eyes]

Oh, mother. You're so funny. 

I need to make a collage. Random, but I think one would look cool on my wall. A collage of book titles, perhaps? 

Books of Summer 2009: 15
Books of 2009: 32

Bye! See you tomorrow! 

*To clear this up, my parents didn't just set me in a floaty thing and leave me for multiple hours unattended in a pool. They were always out there with me. 

Monday, June 29, 2009

One More Thing

I forgot to say that Independence Day [or 4th of July to many Americans] is on Saturday! 

My parents and I are either 
(A) Going downtown for the traditional fireworks. 
(B) Going to the beach for fireworks
(C) Watching the crazy people of our neighborhood set off fireworks 
or (D) all of the above. 

The problem with A is that downtown St. Petersburg is the CRAZIEST place in Florida whenever there's any type of event going on. Any festival, baseball game, fireworks display. There are people, literally, who charge 20 bucks for you to use a parking lot to park your car. 20 BUCKS! And also, there's always a whole bunch of drunks running around downtown during the fireworks, asking for money, beers, among other things. 

Not to mention the balloon artists! Those people are crazy! I was walking along the street after a festival with my parents, and one of them calls out to me, 'Balloons are great for 19 year olds!' 


The dude must have been BLIND, because I, in no way, look like a 19 year old. My maximum age is probably like, 15. It was probably those shorts I was wearing. See, I have this theory. I like to wear short shorts to public events sometimes. I think it scares the public. The public needs a good scaring every once in a while. 

The problem with B is that the beach fireworks never end well. Someone always gets hurt. And with my luck, if we went, I would be that one person. 

And the problem with C is that the people in my neighborhood are crazy. And annoying. And very irresponsible with their kids. 

Now, I'm not one to say 'Never let your kids out of your sight!' or 'Keep them by your side at all times!' I hate it when those parents put little leash/backpacks on their kids. I HATE it. But some of the people in my neighborhood are careless about their kids. 

Take the people that live across the street from us as an example. Two parents, and their daughter. The daughter is 9. She's kind of annoying, but that is besides the point. The parents used to let her go to the neighbor's house, down the block. The neighbors are nice enough, and they let her walk their dog when she wanted to. Except when she did walk him [their dog], she took him 5 blocks away. I've seen her on a REALLY busy street. It's too far for a 9 year old to walk. It's too far for me to walk by myself. And her parents don't even care. 

They bought her a mini motorcycle. And they let her ride it on that same busy street. By herself. Without any adults around. A car could back out of a driveway and not see her, and bam. She'd be hurt, or even dead. And while she may be annoying, I would never wish her any harm. She's just a little kid. 

But other than the irresponsible parents and the crazy old woman a couple houses up from mine, this neighborhood is pretty boring. But I have a solution.

Someone needs to have an affair. 

And someone needs to have one now. 

Sorry for the extra long post. But I finally woke up, so I thought I'd post again. [=

Tired. Just Plain Tired.

It really is miraculous that I'm even typing this right now. I didn't even go to bed at an extremely late hour. The last time I looked at my clock before falling asleep was at 11:30. I think. Anyway, that's not really that bad, considering that I've be known to stay up until 1 o'clock reading. Really. 

Currently, I'm reading Catch-22. Don't you DARE judge me. It's VERY good. 

Normally, I would type a more in depth phrase to describe a book, but really, you don't know how much effort it took for me to just type 'normally' and 'depth'. 

A conversation from yesterday between my mother and I:
Mother: There were 'The Biggest Loser' tryouts in Tampa
Me: Yeah.
Mother: Where do the shoot the actual show?
Me: At 'The Biggest Loser' ranch.
Mother: Where's that?
Me: At an undisclosed location. Just south of Area 51. 
Mother: What's Area 51? 

And this is why my parents' chromosomes were EXTREMELY well distributed. I have my mother's practicality, and my dad's smarts. My dad's hair color and my mother's hair texture [which is really not that great, but whatever]. Etc, etc. 

Well folks, I'm going to go eat some enriched flour, niacin, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, monosodium glutamate, and lactic acid. [aka Cheez-Its] 

Books of Summer 2009: 15
Books of 2009: 32

Bye Guys! See you tomorrow! 

Sunday, June 28, 2009

All this Death and Despair is really Gloomy

Really? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG THIS MONTH?!?!?!? We're up to 5 celebrities dead. David Carradine, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and NOW Billy Mays. BILLY MAYS! That dude with the OxiClean commercials! And the Awesome Auger and Mighty Putty. Remember how he always started the commercial by saying 'Hi, Billy Mays here!'? He was awesome. 

Not to mention Tampa elections supervisor Phyllis Busansky. She was only 72 years young! 

Anyhoozle, I went to see The Proposal with my parents today. It was pretty hilarious. I almost started crying at the end though. *SPOILER* When Betty White was 'having a heart attack', I was ready to cry my eyes out. But then she was FAKING! Hilarious. And Ryan Reynolds, let me just say one thing. If you ever leave Scarlett, I am available. Any time.

I think this is the part of the blog where I'm supposed to say something witty and riveting, but honestly, my mind can't be bothered to spew anything of that sort. What do you do when the blog you're writing gets increasingly boring???? Use some spontaneous Bee Gees lyrics, of course! 
Here I lie
In a lost and lonely part of town
Held in time
In a world of tears I slowly drown

Going home
I just can't make it all alone
I really should be holdin' you, holdin' you
Lovin' you, lovin' you

When the feeling's gone and you can't go on 
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear 
With no one to love you, you're going nowhere

There's your distraction for the fact that I'm really quite too tired to write anything clever today. [= Hope you enjoyed that. 

Books of Summer 2009: 15
Books of 2009: 32
Bye people! 

OH. I watched Borat last night. It was on the USA Network. Channel 32. Yeppers. It was........odd. I'm glad I didn't see it. Plus it's rated R, so that would've been a problem. It was kind of funny. But a stupid kind of funny. Okay, I'll stop babbling now. Bye for real now. [=

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This Day Just Sucked

Michael Jackson just died. Holy cow. 

This day has sucked all over. First Farrah Fawcett, now Michael Jackson, geez. 

RIP Michael Jackson. I may not have been happy when you were acquitted and all, but I'm not going to hold it against you. You were always a great singer. You'll be missed. Hopefully Heaven will be a great experience for you. RIP. 

Oh Suburbia. How I Hate You So

Hello everyone. There's really nothing to do around my house. Or my neighborhood. So I'm blogging. YAY!

This is my first actual day of summer alone. Which is nice, because my parents are crazy. When they're gone, no one's here to tell me to make my bed or get off the computer. My mother likes to call me every hour or so, so I can't even go to the rec center or the library. Ugh. 

So here I am. Blogging. 

Thank you Blogger for having an Auto-Save. This is me writing, except it's now 3 hours later. I just love it when the Internet shuts off. 

I just wanted to say, RIP Farrah Fawcett. I never watched Charlie's Angels or anything, but I know how important she was to some people. And of course, her fabulous hair! She's with the real angels now, out of her suffering, and she will be missed by everyone. My heart goes out to Ryan and Alana and Farrah's family. 

I haven't really been doing much since Blogger auto-saved this. I've just been typing my story/novel/thing. And listening to this.

I'm really much too lazy. I should be out, doing something. Like everyone always says. 'Go outside and play, like a regular kid.' Nope. That just won't do. My brain doesn't work that way. And depending on your definition, I'm not what most people would call 'regular'. And you know what? IT'S TOO DAMN HOT. Okay? I'm not going to go out and 'play' when it's 96 degrees out. And the heat index? Yeah. It's 105-110 this week. I'm definitely NOT going out there. That's for sure. 

I finished Girl at Sea today. It was very good, as all Maureen Johnson books. Now I just have to read The Key To The Golden Firebird, and I'll have read all of her books. Exciting. 

Ok, I'm going to come out and say it. I love musicals. And actors in musicals. 
Books of Summer 2009: 14
Books of 2009: 31

Bye people! See you tomorrow! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Um..Hi There....

Hello people of the Internet! [And Stella]

I haven't been on the computer for 6 days. Six DAYS! And I haven't blogged in a WHOLE WEEK. I have good excuses though.

  1. I was dog/house-sitting at my mother's boss' house. And they have four cute little dogs who are just pistols. 
  2. I've been doing a LOT of reading lately. I've read 12 books in 3 weeks. 
2.5: 12 books in 3 weeks may not seem like a lot for some people, but I feel that it is. I think my parents are finally getting annoyed of driving me to the library every three days to get new books. I told them I could just walk there. Or ride my bike. 

So yeah. Those excuses are golden. They came right from my own brain. 

My friend Chris's cousin thinks I'm funny. Either this person has (A) never been shown what actually funny people look and sound like, (B) no sense of what actually funny things are, or (C) has never met me. This person hasn't met me before, so it's a combination of C and something else. Everyone who has met me knows I just steal my jokes off the Internet, and I'm not really funny at all, considering none of my jokes are actually original. 

I'm really extremely bored. I was planning on going to the rec center pool today, but my dad decided to stay home from work today, so I couldn't. He does that sometimes. Randomly decides not to go to work. It's quite odd. 

Has anyone read the All-American Girl series by Meg Cabot? Because I have a question. In the first book, Jack, Lucy's boyfriend, is an artist. And he's older than Lucy. And his last name is Ryder. Right? In the second book, his last name changes to Slayter. And Mr. White, the White House press secretary turns into Mr. Green. And David's bodyguard goes from John to Rob.  I don't get it. 

Continuing with the All-American Girl series-theme.... Really? The faucet? You're really going to practice using the faucet? I wonder if it really works. If anyone is reading this and has no idea what I'm talking about, reading All-American Girl and Ready Or Not by Meg Cabot, and you'll understand. They're really good books too. 

Well, that's all the nonsense I can spew out for today, folks. See you laters! 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Well This Is Awkward

Don't you dare judge me about yesterday's blog entry. Don't you DARE. 

I spent a whole 5 minutes shuffling from foot to foot in Publix yesterday. This dude was coming in my direction, I went left, He went left, I went right, he went right, and it was all a big debacle. 

I've spent all of this afternoon watching clips from Hair on Youtube. I seriously would LOVE to go to the White House lawn with thousands of people dressed up like they're in the late 70's/early 80's. And everyone singing 'Let the Sunshine In'. That would be SO FREAKING AMAZING. 

Hayley (hayleyghoover) wrote a blog a few days ago titled 'Itunes Shuffle'. She asked us to put our Ipod/Itunes library on shuffle, and write down the first 10 songs that show up. Here they are:
  1. MMMBop-Hanson
  2. American Pie- Don McLean
  3. Hero/Heroine-Boys Like Girls
  4. Bring It All Back- S CLub 7
  5. Don't Be Stupid-Shania Twain
  6. Here Comes The Sun- The Beatles
  7. Super Trouper- ABBA
  8. Shelf-Jonas Brothers [Don't judge me]
  9. Jessie's Girl- Rick Springfield
  10. Jesus Take The Wheel- Carrie Underwood
  11. Thanks For The Memories- Fall Out Boy
  12. Circus- Britney Spears
  13. Up!- Shania Twain
  14. Lose My Breath- Destiny's Child
  15. Gimme Gimme Gimme A Man After Midnight- ABBA
I did the first 15. Those represent my Itunes Library pretty well. A lot of 70's/80's/90's songs and some alternative. And country. That too. 

Has anyone seen any pranks by Improv Everywhere? It's hilarious. It's a big organization of volunteers that conduct public pranks. They had a whole bunch of people go into Grand Central Station in New York and freeze in place at exactly the same time. For five minutes. Then they just unfroze all at once. They had 16 people go to a food court in a regular old mall, and create a random musical. They had music piped in through the speakers. It was hilarious! The looks on everyone's faces was just priceless. 

As to not bore anyone anymore today, I'm going to go. See ya'll tomorrow. Maybe. I'm not really sure. Bye!