Monday, April 27, 2009

One Day Only Burst Of Bliss

Hi people! I haven't been here for a while. Or writing. Or whatever. But I MUST tell you about the wonderful thing that happened today. [=

My reading teacher came back!!!!!!! As you may know, I absolutely HATED the sub. So it was awesome to have my regular teacher back. She even had us right a letter to her saying what we did when she was gone, what we've been working on, and something I needed to tell her. The 'I need to tell you' section was a whole page long. And my friend Delaney, she had almost the same amount. It felt good to let someone know about it. Just to get it off my chest. 

I really need to lose weight. I don't think I'm like, really overweight, but I want to tone up for summer. 'Bikini Season' and all that. Anyone know anyway how to do that? I wanna tone up my stomach and thighs. Yeah. 

Current Weight: Somewhere around 132

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 22

Hello people! I'm staying home today because my stomach feels like it's going to f*cking explode. So let's blog!

I've decided that I cannot continue with BEDA. [Like anyone cares]. I'll just blog when I can. 

I finished 'An Abundance Of Katherines' yesterday. It was really good. I'm not sure which one of John's books I like better. Looking For Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, or Paper Towns. Hmmm. Decisions....... 

I just started 'The Kingdom Keepers' last night, and I'm quite impressed with it at the moment. It's about some kids who are 'holographic hosts' at Disney World. They have to save Disney from these bad guys called 'The Overtakers'. So cool right? I'm not that far along, but it seems like a really good book. 

Stomach aches are not fun at all. As I said above, I'm staying home from school today because I woke up at like, 12:00 and my stomach was in knots, so I didn't go to bed until 1-ish. So my mom let me sleep in. And now I'm eating toast because everything else in this stupid house with make my stomach feel worse. How awesome is that? *sarcasm*

Well, I'm going to go read some Kingdom Keepers and then eat some more toast. [= 

Current Weight: 131.5 lbs.
Love It: Kingdom Keepers. I love disney world
Hate It: Stomach Aches


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 19

Hello people! I don't really have that much to talk about today, so I'll try to make this quick. Unless I forget to hit 'publish post' and come back a couple hours from now with something more interesting to write about. But anyhoozle, let us begin! 

Today, I went bike riding with my parents [like we do every sunday], to this nearby park. Actually, it's only a little close to our house. It's like 2 miles away. But anyways, it was really nice out and we somehow managed to ride 10 miles, and I still don't feel like I rode at all. Maybe that's good. I'm not really sure. 

I'd like to tell a funny story for some reason. Ok, so when we first moved into this house back in October, my mom got balloons from her friend. So, after she got tired of them, she let them go, like any regular person. Well, the balloons decided to float straight into the power transformer/thing. And it shut the power off for multiple hours. And I just looked today, and the balloons are STILL THERE. 

It's EXTREMELY warm here now, and it's not even summer yet. See there's a slight difference between now, which is still coolish/breezy, and summer, which is "holy shit this is what hell is going to feel like" hot. 

I'm currently reading 'An Abundance of Katharines' by John Green.[= I really need some new books to read. I'm supposed to read 'Kingdom Keepers', but my friend keeps forgetting to give it to me, and I don't feel like buying it. 
Edit: My friend is giving me Kingdom Keepers tomorrow. She read it, and yet, she can't tell me what it's about. All she can tell me is that I absolutely HAVE to read it. 

Current Weight: 132.5 lbs.
Love It: Spring/Summer
Hate It: How we have only 2 seasons in Florida. And not the normal 4. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 18

Hey people! I'm really quite bored today, so this may be just a massive waste of time. 

My parents rented Marley & Me last night, so of course I had to watch it. And as everyone knows, it was terribly sad at the end. But the rest was quite funny.

So today, I went to this Saturday Morning Market thing we have downtown. It's pretty fun, a lot of people bring their dogs and there's a whole bunch of fresh produce and organic clothing and stuff. Then, we walked down farther to the water where there was some arts/jewelry festival thing. And the Festival of States parade. It was really busy and I saw my friend Nhi there, so it was all good. 

My dad didn't figure out that he had a 1 o'clock haircut appointment/thing until 12:00. We went out to lunch and then went to his hair place. It's on the beach, so of course, all the tourists were clogging up the road/sidewalks. There are about 5 beaches along one long street. And as we were leaving, I noticed how there's tons of hotels/motels/apartment/places along the beach. And it's blocking our view of the water. HOW MANY FREAKING HOTELS DO YOU NEED ALONG ONE ROAD? 

The Outback Pro-Am is on, and guess who I just saw? FREAKING GEORGE LOPEZ! Yeah, that's who. 

Really really bored today, so as to not bore you even more, I'm going to go.

Current Weight: 132.5 lbs.
Love It: Beedle the Bard
Hate It: skyscrapers messing up the beach. And tourists. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 17

Hello people! See? There's an exclamation point today! So my day wasn't too bad.

There are suddenly a whole bunch of new kids in our grade now. And I had no idea these people randomly popped up. And I feel bad, because I feel like I should say hi to these people so they can feel welcome. I'm just that way. So I finally found one of these new-comers. His name is Willy. I think. I'm not really sure. But we [Becca, Kenzie, Me, etc.] see him everyday at the car circle, so what do us nice, friendly people do? We go and introduce ourselves. Like good little children. And of course, he just looks frightened and walks away after 2 minutes of us rambling on and on. 

I don't think I'm going to go into any detail of my reading teacher today, because to be honest, just thinking about her stupid a$$ gets me very very angry. And I love Arnold [my computer], and I wouldn't want to hurt him in my fit of rage. And plus my parents would kill me if they had to take Arnold to the "doctor". 

I really need to get an updated social life. I never have anything to do on the weekends/friday nights except hang out with my parents. Great right? I think not. And the wonderful part about it is that my parents are so protective that unless I have like, 30 people with me, with their parents, I can't go to the mall/movies/etc. by myself. And it's not even technically by myself. Yeah. That's the real question.

I have this weird thing that I always seem to do when I get something new. I always seem to name it something. Here's a spontaneous list I have compiled of these names. 
  • Computer:Arnold
  • Ipod: Nate
  • TV: Bertha 
  • Closet: Sally [yeah, I really don't know why I named the closet, because I technically didn't buy it or whatever like the other stuff I've named, and it's not electronic like the other stuff either. So deal with it.]
  • Cell Phone: Abby
Current Weight: 132.5 lbs.
 Love It: passing notes in class and having the teacher look at you weirdly when you laugh at something your friend wrote. It's so great. [=
Hate It: Reading class for students who shouldn't be in that class. 
BYES! [=

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 16

Hello people. Notice there is no exclamation point there today. Yeah. You notice it now. The writing below is completely pointless and is just me complaining about school and shiz. So please, if you don't want to read that, please stop reading..... NOW. 

Ok, as you may remember from yesterday's post, I hate my reading substitute. She basically accused our class of cheating. And today, she really got on my nerves. She had her little rant in the first 15 minutes of class today. As usual. But now, basically, since a lot of students have been getting their work stolen, she's going to go through every single person's folder and notebook [we have to have both] and look at their work. She's gonna do that so she can see if a person who's work is missing happens to see their handwriting in someone else's binder/notebook. 
And she said, and I directly quote "And now I have to spend my whole weekend looking through these papers that I've already graded. I have a one and a half year old at home, and my son always comes first. So if I don't finish looking at all of the work, then I'll just have to give you all incomplete's on your report cards." HOLD THE F*CKING PHONE. That would mean that I would get all A's on my report card. And one B. And you know what that B would be in? Reading. 

More on this subject tomorrow. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 15

Hello people! I'm really quite bored today and a little sad as well, but that's ok. I'm gonna fake some enthusiasm and write this blog! Yayyyyyy.

5 Things I'm Happy About Today:
  • It's not f*cking raining and looking like the world's going to end today.[=
  • I ate some good food tonight for dinner. [lol I'm so fat.]
  • I didn't have to do much work today at school. [thank goodness]
  • I got my Itunes gift card to work. [15 bucks man. Oh yeah]
  • I did my BEDA post for the day.

5 Things I'm Sad/Angry/Annoyed About Today:
  • Sad: My friend broke up with his girlfriend today.
  • Sad/Angry: I'm fat. 
  • I'm Angry At: My reading teacher. I shouldn't even be in reading. I'm smarter than that. And yet, I'm still be *talked down to by a woman who I am probably smarter than.*
  • Annoyed At: Myself for giving up on my story that I was writing. I just got bored of the whole idea of it because EVERYONE has written about it. Bleh.
  • Annoyed At: My school is so violent and crap. And then we have all these good little Magnet/Meggess kids who hug each other every single time we see anyone we know. Yeah. It's good to go to my school man. 
The Funny Quote Of The Day:  " I'm just sayin' if we're gonna f*cking turn into China, I want my goddamn eggroll" -sxephil. That is literally word for word from his latest video, 'Obama Owns Your Interwebs' 

*The woman I'm talking about is of course my reading teacher. She's not even my real reading teacher. She's the substitute for our actual reading teacher is out on maternity leave to pop out a kid. Meanwhile, we have this lovely woman as a sub, who I'm fairly certain is not qualified for this job. Anyhoozle, we took a test last week, and she was going to show us our grades today. Our class got a majority of 100 percents. You would think she would be happy that we got a majority of good grades. BUT NO. She can't be happy. She has to assume that we cheated. Everyone say it with me now. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. Her exact words were, "It be pretty suspicious that in all my other classes, there were bad grades, and in this class, there aren't any. So if any of you cheated, Ima just gonna tell ya'll, you better be glad I ain't your teacher. Ya'll need to gettit togetha." That was her exact freaking words. Yeah, you see it. Look at the grammar. And she's supposed to be a semi-permanent sub for a READING class. Which may include grammar. And then the whole class just got angry. She was insinuating that we cheated because we got good grades. She's my Number One Person to Hate today. *

Sorry about the paragraph above. I just needed a place to voice this opinion I have. [=

Current Weight: 131.5 lbs.
The 'Hate It' and 'Love It' are above. 
See you peoples tomorrow! [=

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 14

Hey People! I couldn't post yesterday for various reasons. So Yeah. Oh well. 

25 Things in My Room:
  • Yellow Converse with raspberries on them. [=
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. [=
  • Ipod Nano [It's green! ] [=
  • Chris and I's Journal
  • Uno card deck. [?]
  • The boxer shorts I wear to bed
  • The shirt with my [stupid] school's logo on the front that I wear to bed/work out in [I have 4 of them]
  • Easter Basket 
  • Ricola sore throat drops. 
  • The Complete Unabridged Mark Twain
  • Random little clay pot/things
  • Backpack
  • Box of ticket stubs
  • Looking For Alaska [you need to read this. Info here
  • Disney Sing-Along tape. [yes it's a tape. And it's a sing-along for Disneyland!]
  • 4.0 Club medal [from my stupid school last year]
  • City of Seminole Recreation Card. [they spelled my name wrong on it. wtf]
  • 3D glasses [from various movies]
  • Rubik's cube [=
  • Small kitty cat I painted at my friend Scarlett's birthday party.
  • My cell phone
  • My home-made Nerdfighter dictionary
  • Ipod dock/clock/radio/thing
  • Victoria's Secret Perfume [=
  • The TV that I've had since I was four. And it has a VCR. OH WHAT NOW FOOL. 
Current Weight: 132.5 lbs.
Love It: Book nerds who aren't afraid to admit it. Or just plain nerds.
Hate It: Stupid people trying to kill Youtube. ]=
BEDOODOODOO Bye People! See you tomorrow!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 12: Happy Easter!

Hello People! Happy Easter!

Like I told you yesterday, I went to go help the women of my neighborhood stamp big flour foot prints all around the neighborhood. It was surprisingly fun. My next-door neighbor had two big buckets from Home Depot filled with flour and a big paw print/thing cut out from the bottom. She would go around on the sidewalk stamping the flour to the ground. It sounded like a freaking basketball. I told her repeatedly that we were going to wake the kids up by being so loud, and she replied, "No we won't. The kids in this neighborhood sleep like rocks." How very nice.

We came back to my house around 12:15 a.m. My dad called my mom at least 4 times when we were out telling us to come home, but she just kept ignoring him until he threatened to come outside with a bullhorn and scream our names. Needless to say, he's a little over-protective.

I wonder how many Peeps you can eat until they shut down your system. According to the package, 5 Chick Peeps are 140 calories and 34 grams of sugar. Oh I can feel the artery-clogging goodness just seeping through me. 

Little kids are so cute on Easter. They all have their little baskets and whatnot. *contented sigh* I miss those days. 

Well, I think I've said all I can say about Easter. I should go. 

Current Weight: 132.5 lbs.
Like It: Peeps. Easter candy in general as well. *I'm so fat it's not even funny.*
Hate It: Waking up early after going to bed at 12:40 a.m. 

BEDOODOODOO! Bye guys! [=

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 11

Hey people! I'm writing this early today for some reason. Much to talk about!

There are a lot of small children in my neighborhood. Since Easter is tomorrow, [for those of you who celebrate Easter], all the women in the neighborhood take massive buckets that have a cutout of a giant foot on the bottom. They fill them with flour and stamp the sidewalks throughout the neighborhood so the little kids can think the Easter Bunny came. Oh, and did I mention, this all happens at 10:00 p.m. at night? They all drink beer too. So guess what? I'm going to help them tonight. 

Since I have no social life whatsoever outside school [and barely in school], I went with my mother to the park by our house to feed the ducks. And since it's apparently spring [we only have 2 seasons in Florida], there were baby ducks. Oh My Goodness. THEY'RE SO CUTE!!! 

I really should be doing my science notes. My teacher told me to do them. Oh well. 

Should I get Tweet Deck? I'm not sure if I will or not. 

I'm horrible at doing the whole "sexy" and "non-sexy" stuff at the end of these blogs, so I'm just going to put a "like" and "hate" thing at the end. 

Current Weight: 130.5 lbs
Like It: Newborn animals in Spring.
Hate It: The stupid tourists running around my neighborhood Publix in search of things for Easter. 
Bye Guys!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 10

Hello People! Sorry about the extremely short blog yesterday but I was procrastinating [as usual] on something I shouldn't have been procrastinating on. 

We went on some random field trip today. It was to this skating place called Astro Skate. IT WAS SO STUPID. I fell about 35 times. My hips hurt every time I move. My elbows are bruising. My knee hurts like hell. But that wasn't why it sucked. There was a little food place inside where you could get foods and drinks and stuff. Well, the line was so long, my friends waited in line for and hour and a half. And then, when they did finally get to the front of the line, the food place closed. It just CLOSED. FOR NO APPARENT REASON. Geez. People.

That site that Nerimon talked about in his video, Omegle, is weird. I was just talking to some chick from China who kept asking me if I had a picture of myself. Um, let me think about
that, um, NO. I don't just give my picture out to people I meet on the Internet. Actually, I never meet anyone on the Internet, I just happened to be looking to see how that site worked. She wanted to know
what city I lived in and what my age was and all this other crap. NO. YOU MAY NOT KNOW WHICH

Sorry about that whole paragraph above. These things just fire me up.

Dang. I really should finish this science review.

Current Weight: 130.5 lbs.
Sexy: Successful long-distance relationships
Non-Sexy: People on Omegle asking personal info. It's just weird.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 9

Hey people!

This needs to be quick. I just wanted to say that my day went very well and there were no major problems. Sorry Bye!

Current Weight: 130.5 lbs.
Sexy: food. food is so damn good.
Non-Sexy: ex's asking why you broke up with them. It's just wrong. 


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 8

Hello People! As I promised yesterday, I will tell you why authors are sexy. 

You all know. Especially girls. Most of my friends [that are girls] find that guys that write things are very attractive. *Hint Hint Wink Wink* I particularly find the male writers with big, thick, dark glasses very attractive. [=

Has anyone seen the commercials for the new show 'Parks and Recreation'? It's EXACTLY like The Office. NBC can try to replace The Office, but they will not succeed. Jim and Pam are just too dang cute. 

My dad drives for the vanpool at his work. He was explaining to us over dinner [Mexican. yummy!] that the people in his vanpool are whiners. They are always whining about the radio station, the car temperature, etc. And the whole thing sounded like a little mini 'Office'. It was great. 

School is still as boring as ever. I spend about 35% of my school day acting as a 'Dr. Phil', of sorts. I'm either listening to someone blather on and on about how they hate someone else, or how they are just SO in love with they're boyfriend/want to be boyfriend. Goodness me oh my child! Just shut the heck up! 

Matzo. Is. Good. If anyone celebrates Passover, it starts tonight at sundown [which is now]. Happy Passover!

I also wanted to say something else. Oh Yeah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX/NERIMON!

Current Weight: 130.5 lbs.
Sexy: Australians
Non-Sexy: Teenagers

Bye! See you tomorrows! [=

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 7

Hello People. 

I'm quite bored today. School is beginning to get to the stage where teachers are tired of the crap people try to pull/all the students are tired of the teachers and want summer to get here. I'm obviously, in the second group. 

If anyone has ever done the SRI before, you know how they give you a 'lexile', or reading level. It tells you the complexity of the books you can read. I got a 1421, which is a fairly high score according to my teacher. I'm happy that I got that, but I've just been thinking. I don't really think I actually got that score. I think the computer/my eyes was/were fooling with me. To be honest, I don't act that smart really. I have an on switch and an off switch. And no in-between. The 'On' part is the smart. And the 'Off' part is the stupid/crazy. I'm normally on 'Off' when I'm not in class. And then, I get to class and mentally turn myself to 'On'. I don't really care what the SRI peoples tell me. No one can tell what read. BRING ON THE REBELLIOUS AND INDEPENDENT ALMOST TEENAGER! 

Sorry about that angry rant. I need to blow off this steam I have kept inside me all day. And guess where I get to do it? 

Speaking of reading, I really need a new bookshelf for books. There are random stacks all over my room at the moment. My mother keeps nagging me about them, but I told her that they give my room character. Jump forward 3 hours in time, she's moved them to my closet. I just hate when she moves my things, and she thinks she's cleaning. Especially when she moves my books. I'm very territorial about my books. They help me bring out my inner Harry Potter nerd. 

Middle School is such a drama-center. Today, my friend Kristina was telling my friend Becca and I that she had a problem. She apparently likes the same person our other friend likes. The other friend, [let's call her Rose], is very territorial and jumps to bad conclusions on these sort of things. Rose will automatically get mad if she hears someone else likes her crush. GEEZ. Teenagers.

Current Weight: 131.5 lbs.
Sexy: Being one step away from the real world, but just on the brink of insanity. 
Non-Sexy: Mullets. The haircut and the fish. 

P.S. Authors are also sexy. But I'll tell you about that tomorrow. BYE!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 6

Hello Internet! 

Today was the first day back from Spring Break. [Everyone say it with me now. UGHHHHHHHHHHHH] A lot of my teachers just kind of let us coast along. They were probably still in 'Spring Break' mode. Even my math teacher has decided to let us 'review' adding/subtracting/doing mathematical shit to integers. It's quite easy.

My father is screaming at me to get off this computing device, so I should be going now.

Current Weight: 130.5 lbs
Sexy: Big hardback books. I'm not sure why. They just are
Non-Sexy: The word mush. bleh. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 5 of BEDA

I know I already made a post today, but to make up for yesterday's not posting-ness, I decided to post again today. 

Since everyone else seems to be doing it, I'm going to blatantly copy the thing Hayley 
does in her blogs. She puts a things that are sexy/unsexy at the end of each of her blogs and her current weight and things. 

Current Weight: 133 lbs.
Sexy: The color purple. And Chinese food. *yummy*
Non-Sexy: Uncomfortable clothing. 

Day 4 of Beda, But It's Really Day 5

I feel kinda bad. I messed up my BEDA on the 4th day. *epic failure*

Oh well. On to bigger and more important subjects [as if anything I say is important] 

I have to go to school tomorrow [sighs miserably]. I just know that every other child at my school is going to be like, "Oh hey! So what did you do over Spring Break 2009?" And I will say, "Nothing really, how about you?" They will probably respond with something like, "Oh we went to the beach and the mall. Oh, we also went to California/Georgia/Miami/Key West/New York." And I will just have to stand there looking like an idiot. It's going to be grand. 

I really want to act British for a whole day. It would be so awesome. Accents. Hmmmmm.

I have NOTHING to talk about really. So....... BYES!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 3 of BEDA

Hello Internet peoples! I'm quite annoyed today.  There are so many freaking bad drivers in Florida. And some of these bad drivers aren't from Florida. They're from freaking CANADA. And OREGON. And other places. And these tourists are clogging up my local Publix. Oh well. On to more important and calming things. 

Speaking of books, [who was talking about books?] I finished 'The Boyfriend List' last night. It was pretty good. I can't believe I spent the whole night reading it. And by the whole night, I mean 8 p.m. EST to 12 p.m. EST. This is why I'm a social failure. Anyway, I started 'The Breakup Bible' this morning. It seems like it is basically the exact same thing as 'The Boyfriend List', except for the fact that the main character doesn't go to therapy and make a list of her past boyfriends or whatever. But she does have a perfect boyfriend who dumps her and she's upset as hell. 

If anyone has some good book recommendations, please tell me about them. I'm copying Kristina's [aka italktosnakes] idea from a fiveawesomegirls video. One of her new years resolutions was to read 50 books in a single year. I'm only on my 8th book. Go subscribe/follow Kristina's blog too. [=

Oh Youtube. How I love thee. *smiles contentedly*

Does anyone know who Jerry Lewis is? I'm going to see him tomorrow night. I have no idea who he is. 

Simon Cowell apparently hates Twitter. And Twitterers. 

This blog has no point today really. BYES! 

P.S. Michael Vick, I still hate your ass. You're dead to me. [=

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I think I'm going to participate in Maureen Johnson's idea called BEDA. Actually, she came up with VEDA. But BEDA is the same thing, except it's Blog Every Day April, instead of Vlog Every Day April. 

Today was day #4 of my Spring Break. I went to hang out with my best friend Sarah, which was pretty fun. We somehow managed to get oranges off her completely bare orange tree. I still don't know how she did that, but whatever. And we made orange juice. How exciting. But anyway, that was basically all we did today.
Oh Oh Oh. Book Question Time! I got 'The Breakup Bible' and 'The Boyfriend List' today. If anyone has read those two books, please comment on them. I haven't started either one of them, and I don't really know what they're about. Thanks [=

Day 2 of BEDA, done. What now fools.......

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

An Epic List

I have compiled a list. You may ask, "a list of what?" Well, it's a list of epic proportions. It's a list.... of STUFF.

  1. Friends
  2. Family
  3. Books
  4. Music
  5. Friends [did I say that already? oops]
  6. Youtubers
  1. Nerd Boys. Don't lie, you know you love them
  2. Sorry to say this, but, Twilight. DON'T HURT ME
  3. Australians [they have awesome accents]
  4. British people [they have awesome accents too]
  5. Brad Paisley, Tim McGraw [all country music singers, really]
  6. Southern gentleman with Southern accents
  7. DiNozzo from NCIS. 
  8. McGee from NCIS too. [=
  9. Simon Baker on The Mentalist
  10. David Cook
  11. Harry Potter lovers
  12. Rupert Grint
  13. The Notebook. It's a classic.
  14. Youtubers
  15. Michael Phelps [I don't care if he did pot!]
  16. Purple
  1. Those celebrities and models that are disgustingly skinny. ehhh
  2. Basketball. I see no point in it
  3. Simon and Randy from American Idol
  4. Healthy food 
  5. Airplane food
  6. The word cumquat. bleh
  7. And of course, the horrible, Talmadge. He's so nasty that he can't even have a 'Mr.' in front of his name. Yeah. What now? 
I was inspired to do this list by hayleyghoover. Go find her blog and read it. Also, go subscribe to her youtube, hayleyghoover.