Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just A Lazy Saturday

Today I: 
  • Listened to Mrs. Nerimon on repeat. All day.
  • Finished The Bermudez Triangle.
  • Started Just Listen by Sarah Dessen.
  • Downloaded Accio Deathly Hallows, Dumledore, and What Kind of Name Is Hermione? 
  • Laid around the house and was generally lazy.
  • Watched the embarrassment of Alex at Leaky Con. Priceless.

I really need to go to my local library to get a card. Apparently, when you move from St. Pete to some other area *cough cough*, the card doesn't transfer. Kind of obvious, but not to MY mother. She thinks I can still use it. Ha. I need to get The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, The Bell Jar, and Pride and Prejudice. People have been telling me to get those books for a while now. Especially Sarah, who's read TONS of Jane Austen in her day. 

I'm extremely bored today. It's 86 degrees outside, with no breeze, so it feels like 90 or above. That goodness for air conditioning. 

Remember how I said I would be extremely proud of my self if I wrote a good short story? I still haven't. And I really should, because next year, since I'll be an 8th grader, I'll be eligible for PRIDE awards. They're awards for students who excel in Math, Science, Foreign Language, Writing, Geography, etc. And if you have all the requirements to test on them, you can. You take a series of tests, and the PRIDE people grade it and take the person with the highest score and give them an award. Except for the writing. They have you submit various papers and work that you've done that 'best show you as a writer'. So it would be good if I had a short story or two to give them. 

Funny quote of the day: "I'm afraid of commitment, I'm afraid of multitasking, I'm afraid of my little pony." -Charlie McDonnell.

Bye Guys! 

Friday, May 29, 2009

Open Letters to Random Things

Being the amazingly original child that I am, I am going to BLATANTLY copy Hank and John's idea of open letters. Actually, it might not even be their idea specifically, but they used it in their last two videos. So yeah. Here we go.

Dear Cellulite,
Do you really have to have get- togethers on my thighs and stomach? Really? Cause it's summer, and I would really like to wear that bikini that I bought, but you are just hanging out right there, being all annoying. I really appreciate it. Truly. 

Dear *D.A.*,
WTF man? You seriously acted for at least two months that you liked me. Flirting, looking at me every time you play-fought with some kid for a stupid reason, etc. You made me think you liked me, lead me on. And then someone tells you that I like you, and you suddenly turn all awkward, not talking to me? What the heck? You were so confident before. And then you couldn't just tell me that you didn't like me? You had to keep me guessing, hoping, waiting, until my friend finally told me? That's real considerate. Nice, man.

To the Bulldozers Behind My Backyard Fence,
F you. The stupid college behind us is recruiting you to tear down all the perfectly fine trees so they can build a parking lot. WTF?!? Those tress aren't hurting anyone. They're just being trees, oxygenating the world. BUT NO. THEY CAN'T LIVE. And in case the fact that the trees have to die in your wake isn't enough, but you have to be parked RIGHT BEHIND MY FENCE. So I have to see you EVERY TIME I look out my TV room window. And when I sit out on my porch reading the newspaper eating late breakfast. 

PHEW. That was nice. I like these open letters. They help me get everything off my chest. 

I really really REALLY need to write something. Maybe a short story. I would be so proud of myself if I wrote a good short story. 

OH! Something dramatic happened to me this morning. I was talking to my friend Becca today before the bell rang, and she was telling us about how she hurt herself. It happens a lot, so I wasn't too surprised. She volunteers at our old elementary school, in her fifth grade class. Since it's near the end of the year, her volunteer teacher had her unplug all the computers from the wall. When she was pulling the plug out, she had some difficulty, so she stuck her thumbnail behind it to get it out. And it shocked her. For approximately 25 seconds. SHE COULD'VE DIED. I can't even express in words how sad I would be if she died. 

Days Left In 7th Grade: 1.5
Bye Guys! Maybe I'll see you tomorrow! 

* D.A. is the initials of the dude I liked. His first name is Darius. But I don't like him now, so I don't have to call him CT anymore. [=

Thursday, May 28, 2009

7th Grade Needs to be OVER

I'm much better feeling than I was last night. I had my ice cream, now I feel better [= Ice cream solves all problems. 

Today was just one of those 'blah' days. Everyone just really wants this year to be over, but at the same time, we wish it could still go on forever. At least 60 percent of my day was doing tests, 20 percent was signing people's yearbooks, and 10 percent was hanging out/talking with my friends. Primarily my sister-chicks. 

As I said, 60 percent of my day was doing tests. I've had a Spanish final yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I had a Math chapter test today, worth 200 points. I got pretty far along, and I'm gonna finish up tomorrow. I had a Reading test today on Sonnets. And I had a Geography post test as well. Even though my Geography teacher isn't actually here to gives us work. She had some surgery/thing according to the sub. 

I said yesterday in my P.S. that I love the Harry Potter fandom a lot. Like A LOT. Which is completely true. If you haven't already seen the vlogbrothers video, you should most definitely go watch it. Immediately. I'd like to see Twilight rock [or should I say wrock] like that. Not that I don't like Twilight. Because I do. It's just a whole other thing that I'm going to discuss here one day. I also like John and Hank's idea/thing of the open letters. [=

Days Left In 7th Grade: 2.5
Bye Guys! Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow! 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Love is Like Alcohol and Yearbooks

Today was going good. Until 4th period. It got a tad awkward then. One of my best guy friends Danny was writing something in my ghetto yearbook [I'll explain that later], and I then read it. It says, and I quote, "Oh and I kinda liked you over this past year!![= See you next year!! Oh and there is one girl I didn't tell you who I like you know her but you will never guess who it is." What the heck is that supposed to mean?

CT doesn't like me. It's official. As in, my friend Stella asked him if he liked me and he said 'honestly no'. So I'm pretty bummed about that. Steps to my recovery from boy rejecting-ness:
  • Eat lots of ice cream. And other comfort foods. 
  • Dance around my room wildly and sporadically. 
  • Hang/talk with sister-chicks [my girl best friends] constantly. 
  • Write a story.
  • Read a story. 
I was thinking about getting a Threadless shirt. Either the one that says, "I'm a Noun!", "Robots Wish They Could Do The Human", or "I Like To Think Outside the Quadrilateral Parallelogram". 

OH, before I forget, my ghetto yearbook, as mentioned above, is epic. Since I didn't get a yearbook this year, I decided to make myself a yearbook. I'm not going to pay 30 dollars for a yearbook unless it's an eight grade yearbook or a high school yearbook, etc. when I can take a two subject notebook that I found in my closet last week and let people write in that. So, that's exactly what I did. Except I took out the divider separating the two sections, and put a duct tape label on the front proclaiming "Rachel *name deleted* Yearbook/Thing". I do, however, plan to get an actual yearbook next year, when I'm in 8th grade, for the whole memory thing and what not. 

Still on the subject of yearbooks, since I have advanced Spanish, the class is a good 79% 8th graders. Maybe more. Anyway, every single girl 8th grader in my class wrote EXTREMELY long letters in their friends yearbooks. One girl is moving down to Ft. Lauderdale, so she won't be going to ANY of her friends high schools. She wrote exceptionally small, and she still managed to write a complete page in her friend's yearbook. EXCEPTIONALLY SMALL. 

We had a locker clean out today. It was pretty interesting to see all the crap people's lockers contain. I didn't have that much stuff though. I wish I had more stuff so I could throw it in the big garbage cans and feel liberated.

Days Left Of 7th Grade: 3.5
Bye Guys! Maybe I'll see you tomorrow! [= 

P.S. I love the Harry Potter fandom SO MUCH. But more about that next blog. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Slow Progression of Necessary Appearances

I decided to post twice today for one reason. I was sitting out in the sun today for the first time in a few months. It's been raining for almost 2 weeks straight, so the sudden burst of sunshine was completely and utterly welcome. 

I was sitting out there reading The Bermudez Triangle, thinking about the 16 century. My Reading teacher was explaining to us on Friday about how in Sonnet 130 by Shakespeare, Shakespeare says how his mistress's skin/breasts are dun. They're tan. Back in the 16 Century, women were supposed to have porcelain white skin. I just think it's kinda funny that in 6 centuries, society has progressed to believe that women should have all these different characteristics to be considered beautiful, having tan skin being one of them. 

Speaking of books, I am rereading The Bermudez Triangle, as mentioned above. I absolutely LOVE it. Last night, I got Sarah Dessen's Just Listen. I haven't started reading it yet, but I really really want to. It sounds so good. So, my current To Read list.....
  • The Bermudez Triangle [I just need to finish it]
  • Just Listen
  • Wintergirls
  • Speak
And many more books that I haven't discovered yet. I want to find a book of Shakespeare plays. I can act out Shakespeare! I'm such a poetry nerd. 

I promise this is the last you will here of me today. Have a great Memorial Day tomorrow! 

Baby Names

When I'm bored, my mind kinda goes haywire. I float off into this wonderful place called Rachel Land. It's a really magical place. So I was sitting in Rachel Land today, just bored out of my mind, when I thought of what I would name my children if I was to have any. Here are some that I came up with.

  • Charlotte. I fell in love with this name a while ago. It sounds so elegant. 
  • Norah. Not even because of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. It just sounds so pretty.
  • Alaska. Of course. Although, I will definitely not let her use things 'to die'.
  • Margo. From a book as well. 
  • I've always love Alice and Bella, but Twilight kinda ruined that for me.
  • Sophia. It sounds Greek. Like from Mamma Mia!
  • Olivia and Abigail sound so wholesome and old-fashioned. [=
  •  Natalie, Aubrey, Audrey, Avery, Leah, Victoria. They all sound really pretty. I like A names too.
  • Amelia
  • Ginny. Harry Potter, duh [maybe her full name will be Virginia or something, and her nickname will be Ginny]
  • Aiden. According to, Aiden/Aidan/etc. was number 1 baby name for males last year. And every other year until 2001. wow
  • Austin, Jacob, Brett, Seth, Sam. I like solid, regular names for boys. Except for a few names, I like to stick to basics with boy names. 
  • Tim, Jason, Darius, Owen. They also sounds nice and solid. 
  • Grayson. I have been in LOVE with this name forever. I have no idea why, and I probably won't name my son Grayson, but I love it anyway. 
  • Nathaniel, Nathan, etc. Nathaniel sounds really old-fashioned. It sounds like it belongs in Shakespeare's time. 
  • Peter. Parker. 
  • Cooper, Colin, Caleb. I Like C names for boys too.
  • Finn. From a book, again. He will save the world from evil Disney characters.
Of course, I'm only 12 turning 13, not even dating someone, let alone getting married and getting pregnant. So I have PLENTY of time to think these names over. But it's just fun to think about it, you know?   

Friday, May 22, 2009

This Day was Just GREAT

Today was just fabulous. When we were playing truth or dare in Tech yesterday, I was FORCED to tell these 3 guys that I like CT. And today, I'm told that one of them told CT. And now all his friends know. Including people that I haven't even heard of. And I don't even know if he likes me or not. He won't talk to me. It's just GRAND.
I really don't have the energy to write any more. It's been raining since Sunday, and it's all gray. [grey, or gray?]

Current Weight: 133 lbs.
Days Left of 7th Grade: 5.5
Bye guys. Hopefully next week this will have blown off. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So Bored of This Thing Called School

Today was just a regular old school day. Nothing very exciting. It is STILL raining here, as it has been for the past 3 to 4 days, so it gives me a chance to act lazy and tired and do nothing. So that's nice. 

I really see no point in liking CT. The school year's almost over, and I definitely won't see him over the summer, so there's no way we could go out. And there's also the small problem that my parents don't really want me to date. So that would suck. I think he also kinda sorta maybe completely hates me. So yeah. And it's not like I can just ask him, "Hey, do you like me more than a friend? Oh no, sorry, I can only date you for the week we have left in school. I won't see you over the summer." 

That's really all I have to say guys! It looks like we're gonna get hit with a massive storm, so I'll see you tomorrow! 

Current Weight: 132.5 lbs.
Days Left in 7th Grade: 7.5

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Scary Events and The All-Important Question

Hey! I just got back from my school award ceremony an hour ago, so here's all the important stuff that happened. 
  1. I got 1 award*. I'm not complaining, but most of the other kids in my grade there got at least 3
  2. One 8th grader got at least 9 awards. It's ridiculous how smart he is.
  3. I had to walk up on stage, in front of everyone, and I was wearing a skirt. You can imagine.
  4. The dude I like wasn't there. And he was supposed to be. He was supposed to be impressed by my skirt.
The all-important question that I'm talking about in the title is of course the question "Does he/she like me?" And I, for whatever reason, have been thinking this question quite a bit. Just like any middle schooler for that matter. I really don't think he likes he. Even though his friend joked today that he like me. I was pulling the whole "Who does he like because my friend likes him and she wants to know?" thing. And his friend replied, "He likes you." I then asked if he was kidding. And he was. Urg. If only he knew how much I DIDN'T want him to be kidding. 

Let's just call the dude I like CT. Why CT?, you may ask. He has extremely curly hair. So CT stands for Curly Top. Of course! 

Current Weight: 132 lbs.
Days Left of 7th Grade: 8.5
Bye Guys!

* My award was for having straight A's all year long. I got a cute little medal and everything. The rest of the kids with more than 1 or 2 awards got them for Math Mania [a math mini game-show/thing], Science, or something else productive. 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I Hate Titling These Blogs

Hey! I'm not stressed now. So that's refreshing.

I finished the science test as of 6:45 this evening. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. 

I went to the mall today. Not just the regular crap mall either. No. The awesome mall in Tampa. It's shaped like a massive H, except at the top and bottom, there are little connectors. It's set up like a town. Each of the connectors and the left and right lines are named as streets. Main Street, East Main Street, West Main Street, etc. I got a swimsuit that I think I look horrible in, but whatever. It's a bikini. You can imagine.

 I finished Catalyst on Friday, and it was good. Kinda sad, but pretty good. I finished Tan Lines today. It was pretty good too. Not as good as Beach Blondes, but still, good. I started reading 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson today. It's EXTREMELY entertaining. I'm not that far along though. I'm only on letters 5 and 6 I think. I've read 15 books this year. So I think I can make the 50 books in one year minimum. Maybe. 

I went to the pool on Saturday. It sounds really exciting right? But it actually WAS. There was this guy there with these 2 girls. And guess what he was wearing? A Speedo. A jungle green-patterned Speedo. I KNOW. The mental images are just so disgusting, right? I was laughing so hard underwater. The younger kids were kinda in my way when I was doing my laps, but it was ok. It's not like it was lap swimming time or anything. It was Family Swim time. 

Current Weight: 132 lbs.
Days Left Of 7th Grade: 9.5 days
Bye Guys!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hi everyone. I'm really really EXTREMELY stressed at this time. I have so many tests.

In 7th period, which is Science for me, I have this MASSIVE unit test due on Tuesday. It's 350 questions. It's nothing compared to the SAT/ACT, I know, I know. But still. It just looks so scary. 
I have a rainforest project in 2nd period Geography, but it's not too much. I just have to take a product, find out how it relates to the rainforest, and then spread the news to students at my school. But we can work with partners, so it's ok. 

I have a quiz tomorrow in 1st period Language Arts on Tom Sawyer. I think i'll do ok. 

For 6th period Reading, there's nothing really stressful. It's just my easy A class. My teacher is a very nice woman, but she sometimes [or most of the time] loses control of us. We're studying poetry still. It's really interesting actually, because she'll have us dissect a poem and share our thoughts on what it means, and some people have really cool opinions. 

4th and 5th periods are EASY. They're Tech and Spanish. I don't even get grades in my Tech class. If you don't bother the teacher, he gives you an A. Piece of cake. Spanish is really easy too. My teacher loves me now because she had me last year for Intermediate, and now she has me in Advanced, so she knows I'm not a bad kid or whatever. 

In lunch today, my friend couldn't open her container thing for her food. Every single person at our table tried opening it, so we asked the lunch attendant person. He couldn't open it, and he played in the NFL. We even tried Steroid Sam. HE couldn't open it. He's like, STRONG man. It was just grand fun. Poor Koni. She couldn't eat her lunch at all. 

Current Weight: 131  lbs.
Bye Guys!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I Cannot Wait

I cannot wait until school gets out. For my own personal safety, I shouldn't really go to my school. It's just plain dangerous. But luckily, school gets out in 14 days and counting. 

Nothing new has really happened very special in my life lately. OH! I did get a new bookshelf on Sunday. So now I don't have to have random piles of books piled around my room. Even though I still insist they gave the room character. 

I just finished reading Beach Blondes by Katherine Applegate. I was in fact interesting. Very very interesting. I'm getting the sequel, Tan Lines, shortly. [And by shortly, I mean in an hour or so] I'm also getting another book tomorrow from Becca called Catalyst. I have absolutely no idea what it is about, but she says it's 'amazing'. So it MUST be good. 

I really truly think I have OCD. I spent all Sunday evening organizing my dresser drawers and my closet. I feel so proud of my self. All of my boxer shorts that I sleep in and all the shirts I sleep in are all folded into perfect little squares. The closet was a different story. I had to move this little TV stand/thing into the closet so I could fit my new bookshelf in my room somewhere. But the clothes would have NONE of that. I had to put all the winter stuff into a storage bin so I could have more room. Even though there is NO possible way that I could need a sweater in July. NO WAY.

 Today in Spanish, Scarlett and this 8th grader messed the teacher's phone up and put the cord around it and stuff. And they know very well that I have to fix all the stuff that's messed up. Hence, the OCD. Anyway, they wouldn't let me fix it. I felt so bad. I REALLY wanted to fix the phone. 

Current Weight: 132.5 lbs.
Days Left In 7th Grade: 14

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hey! I really should write more blogs. Anyway, I have some stuff to talk about. Kinda. 

It's almost Mother's Day people! Make those mothers feel appreciated! I can't tell you what I got my mother, because she could obviously hack into my blog account/read it, and then she would know what she was getting, but just know, it's very nostalgic. [=

I just finished reading Maureen Johnson's new book Suite Scarlett, and I have to say, it was a very very good book. Like, a  very³ good book. Yeah. Superscript, baby. I'm currently reading some book called Beach Blondes by a Katherine Applegate. By the title, you can probably tell what the book is about, but before you jump to conclusions: it looked interesting. That's all I'm saying. 

School was so ridiculously entertaining today. Starting in 1st period, when we had to present these projects we made for the book we're reading in class, Tom Sawyer. Now, you know me, always up for educating these youngsters about good literature, so I can't dwell on the fact that they really aren't grasping how GOOD a book this is. They just like to make fun of the weird speaking that all the characters use. Anyway, we had to do 1 of 3 things for the project. We had to either make a mix CD for Becky Thatcher, make a wanted poster for a character, or a business card for one of the characters. I did the CD. It was actually quite fun. 

There were a few other events that made school entertaining as well. My various friends and I have been maybe just a little harassing this 8th grade boy at lunch. Just maybe. It was his fault. He was the one that kept looking over at my friend when she was just sitting at our table like he was madly in love. So, what else are we to do? Us, the 12-13 old girls having nothing to do at lunch except gossip about who's going out with who, who flirted with who like a slut, etc. So, we harassed him. And now, they're going out. So a lesson we have learned from this is that if your friends harass the guy that you like/likes you, magic ensues. 
The other event was that we learned about poetry in Reading class today. I was simply thrilled, as well as my table-mates. [It sounds like we're little kindergartners, but really,  our teacher just pushes the desks together into 4 desk tables so she can have room to walk] The rest of the class however, didn't seem to enjoy this lesson. We learned about Shakespearean and Petrarchan Sonnets. And Iambic Pentameter and sestets and octaves and quatrains ad couplets and it was just grand. But then, some kid had to make a joke. Ugh. These youngsters these days just have no respect for good literature and/or one of the most beautiful and creative forms of writing. We also dissected a poem to figure out the rhyme scheme, which was fairly easy. Not to sound boastful, but my teacher even praised me for telling my friend Steven that his name was not in fact Iambic Pentameter. It was kinda the opposite in a way. 

Current Weight: I have absolutely no idea
Bye Guys!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Long Time No See

Hello Internet! It's been a while. Anyhoozle, straight into some new things that I have just discovered that are oh so sexy. OH SO. 

  • This guy. Sexy in the most nerdy and awesome way.
  • Guys that aren't afraid to show a sensitive side. And that have intense/compassionate eyes. 
Sorry that list isn't really much of a list, but that's all I could think of. So yeah. 

Does anyone ever describe the guy they like in detail to yourselves when you're bored? I did that all of yesterday. I feel like I want to write it down, but it could be found and then the whole secret would be out. And that would be oh so dramatic. And since I go to the school I go to, I have an ample amount of my daily serving of drama. 

I'm turning germophobic. The stupid swine flu is making me scared to death that I'm going to get it, and no, I have a mini bottle of hand sanitizer that I carry around with me at all times. THE WHOLE SITUATION IS THAT SAD PEOPLE. So far, there aren't any cases anywhere near the county in which I live. Just in Lee and Broward counties. 
Edit: There is a few cases in Hillsborough county now. Oh Dear. 3 schools are temporarily closing. Ok. I'm officially in Freak Out Mode. But more about in the paragraph below.

I have several modes I can be in at any given time. Mode names and causes below. 

Freak Out Mode: Caused by anything that could cause harm to me. [Ex: swine flu, possibly being raped by the tech teacher at my school, etc.] Also can be caused by anything that could mess up my grades, social life, etc. 

Happy Mode: Caused by anything that could make me happy. [Well duh!]. [Ex: hanging out with my friends, finding out the person I like likes me as well, etc.]

Angry Mode: Caused by anything that could make me mad. Now, I don't get mad really really easily, but I get mad at 1) Stupid people annoying me, 2) Teachers annoying me, 3) Things that normally get people mad. 

There are many other modes I can be in, but honestly, I don't want to write anymore about Modes. It seems very boring. 

Why do teenagers have to be plagued by so much freaking DRAMA. Geez. 

We have to do a project for Language Arts. We're reading Tom Sawyer, and we've just passed the part where Becky and Tom get "engaged" and they've since "broken up". [As if they were ever dating!] So for our project, we have to make a mix CD for Becky from Tom. We have to have songs to make Becky think of Tom and make her take him back. Then we write a paragraph for each song explaining why we [or Tom] chose the songs. It's kinda fun. 
Current Weight: 133 lbs.
Current Mode: Freak Out 
Celebrity Crush: Anton Yelchin [nice name. love him anyway]