Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wow, I have no social life.

Hello all. Today is Tuesday! And I have no idea why that's special.

I woke up surprisingly early today. And it was raining! I love the rain. I have a supernatural connection with water. When I was a teeny tiny baby, my parents would put me in one of those baby rafts, and they'd put me in my grandma's pool*. I'd kick around the pool for hours. And any time it rains, I find it necessary [to my parents' dismay] to run around in the rain like a crazy person. 

I think I'm going to put a conversation between my mother and I in this blog every day. She's so clueless, it's entertaining. Here's one from last night. We were watching the news, and the newscaster went into a story about Bernard Madoff and how he got 150 years in prison. [Speaking of that, how freaking great is that?!?!?!?] 

Mother: Who's Bernard Madoff?
Me: He's the bastard who started that Ponzi scheme.
Mother: What Ponzi scheme?
Me: THE Ponzi scheme. How is it possible that you don't know this?!?!?!
Mother: I don't have time to know things. [I roll my eyes]
Me: You're so uninformed. 

[This part of the conversation was when the newscaster was talking about a military coup or something of that sort.]

Mother: What's a coup?
Me: Go look it up.
Mother: Just tell me.
Me: GO LOOK IT UP. In the big book in my room. 
Mother: I don't have that kind of time [AGAIN I roll my eyes]

Oh, mother. You're so funny. 

I need to make a collage. Random, but I think one would look cool on my wall. A collage of book titles, perhaps? 

Books of Summer 2009: 15
Books of 2009: 32

Bye! See you tomorrow! 

*To clear this up, my parents didn't just set me in a floaty thing and leave me for multiple hours unattended in a pool. They were always out there with me. 

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