Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me [=

Hello everyone! My birthday was kind of ho-humish. Only a few things of note today, and none of which had anything to do with my being a year older.

Things of Note:
  • I went to my friend Koni's party today. T'was a blast. 
  • Received various monetary amounts from parents, friend, and grandparents.
  • Went to the beach [at Koni's party] 
  • Got whistled at as I tried to cross the street with my friends. 
That was all of today's exciting events. 

Oh. I should probably explain the last bullet. 

Well, we were at the crosswalk, trying to get the people to slow down so we could walk across. Just to note this, I was with 4 other girls. All of which are beautiful, and all of which were wearing bathing suits or shorts shorts. So here come these guys on motorcycles. They zoom past us, and a few of them whistle. And all us girls start cracking up laughing. 

We didn't think to highly of their whistling. 
My roof is very comfortable. I was up there with my dad last night, watching him set rat traps, when suddenly, a GIGANTIC hawk flew down and tried to grab this squirrel that was running. [This was all happening where the bulldozers took down all the trees. The trees that they did leave are surrounded by little fences. The squirrel was running between two trees.] The hawk couldn't get it. So it just gave up. 

Wait. That makes me look mean. It's not like my dad just sets rat traps for fun or anything. There is a genuine rat problem at our house. We've had a maximum of 10 rats on our tree at one time. That's WAY too many rats for me to handle. So we [he] decided to 'thin the herd'. All I did was sit on the roof. I didn't help with the trap- rigging process. 

I think I'm going to sneak to Koni's house at 1 a.m. on her birthday and leave her a lavish birthday present on her doorstep. Wearing ninja-gear, of course. 

Well, I should be going now. I've got a total of 16 pages in my story. I think it's going quite well. 

I say going way too much. 

Bye peoples!

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