Monday, June 29, 2009

One More Thing

I forgot to say that Independence Day [or 4th of July to many Americans] is on Saturday! 

My parents and I are either 
(A) Going downtown for the traditional fireworks. 
(B) Going to the beach for fireworks
(C) Watching the crazy people of our neighborhood set off fireworks 
or (D) all of the above. 

The problem with A is that downtown St. Petersburg is the CRAZIEST place in Florida whenever there's any type of event going on. Any festival, baseball game, fireworks display. There are people, literally, who charge 20 bucks for you to use a parking lot to park your car. 20 BUCKS! And also, there's always a whole bunch of drunks running around downtown during the fireworks, asking for money, beers, among other things. 

Not to mention the balloon artists! Those people are crazy! I was walking along the street after a festival with my parents, and one of them calls out to me, 'Balloons are great for 19 year olds!' 


The dude must have been BLIND, because I, in no way, look like a 19 year old. My maximum age is probably like, 15. It was probably those shorts I was wearing. See, I have this theory. I like to wear short shorts to public events sometimes. I think it scares the public. The public needs a good scaring every once in a while. 

The problem with B is that the beach fireworks never end well. Someone always gets hurt. And with my luck, if we went, I would be that one person. 

And the problem with C is that the people in my neighborhood are crazy. And annoying. And very irresponsible with their kids. 

Now, I'm not one to say 'Never let your kids out of your sight!' or 'Keep them by your side at all times!' I hate it when those parents put little leash/backpacks on their kids. I HATE it. But some of the people in my neighborhood are careless about their kids. 

Take the people that live across the street from us as an example. Two parents, and their daughter. The daughter is 9. She's kind of annoying, but that is besides the point. The parents used to let her go to the neighbor's house, down the block. The neighbors are nice enough, and they let her walk their dog when she wanted to. Except when she did walk him [their dog], she took him 5 blocks away. I've seen her on a REALLY busy street. It's too far for a 9 year old to walk. It's too far for me to walk by myself. And her parents don't even care. 

They bought her a mini motorcycle. And they let her ride it on that same busy street. By herself. Without any adults around. A car could back out of a driveway and not see her, and bam. She'd be hurt, or even dead. And while she may be annoying, I would never wish her any harm. She's just a little kid. 

But other than the irresponsible parents and the crazy old woman a couple houses up from mine, this neighborhood is pretty boring. But I have a solution.

Someone needs to have an affair. 

And someone needs to have one now. 

Sorry for the extra long post. But I finally woke up, so I thought I'd post again. [=

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