Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's Summer! And I'm Bored

It's the first day of summer! I'm really bored. I should be reading. Or swimming. Or at the beach with my friends. Or writing my short story that's not really a short story anymore. It's more of a novel idea/thing. Oh I don't know. 

I'd like to publicly [or semi- publicly, considering no one reads my blog], thank all the people that made this year awesome for me. Here's a LIST!

Sarah, for being my jonas-harry potter-country music buddy. [=

Becca, for helping me with my boy troubles and being you. [=

Scarlett, for being a crazy FM. XD

Chris, for being my Venezuelan buddy who can cheer me up always. [=

Koni, for being my Language Arts buddy who dances, acts crazy, and has Pink Floyd converse. XD

Stella, for helping me with my boy troubles and having some of the most fun and crazy AIM conversations EVER. [=

Victoria, for saving me from Scarlett's wrath. I am forever grateful XD

Kristina, for just being you. XD

Steven, for giving the best hugs ever. XD

Jake and Eric, for being the most hilarious dudes ever. And Jake, you're my twin. [=

Petar, Darius, and Erik, for being my Language Arts buddies. 

Danny, John, and Jabe, you guys are crazy and John needs a girlfriend, but Tech was SO much fun with you guys.  Danny's my red-headed buddy. XD 

Zoe and Shawna, THANK YOU [as well as Danny, John, and Jabe] for giving me the most fun Tech class I have ever had. Shawna, you are the best cat-artist ever. It's official. XD

Jason, for letting me copy off your review in Science. You smart Asian, you. [=

Sarah G, for being the crazy blonde that you are, and being so cool. Science was very interesting with you in it. 

Amani and Delaney, we had so much fun in Gym [and Reading, I suppose]. Our talks about Jeffery, dudes, and other stuff not meant to be heard by the public were so interesting and fun. XD

I love all those people. 

Oh darn, I was supposed to tell you about my library experience from Thursday. Oh well. That's for another blog. 

Bye Guys! See you tomorrow, maybe! [=

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