Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wow, I have no social life.

Hello all. Today is Tuesday! And I have no idea why that's special.

I woke up surprisingly early today. And it was raining! I love the rain. I have a supernatural connection with water. When I was a teeny tiny baby, my parents would put me in one of those baby rafts, and they'd put me in my grandma's pool*. I'd kick around the pool for hours. And any time it rains, I find it necessary [to my parents' dismay] to run around in the rain like a crazy person. 

I think I'm going to put a conversation between my mother and I in this blog every day. She's so clueless, it's entertaining. Here's one from last night. We were watching the news, and the newscaster went into a story about Bernard Madoff and how he got 150 years in prison. [Speaking of that, how freaking great is that?!?!?!?] 

Mother: Who's Bernard Madoff?
Me: He's the bastard who started that Ponzi scheme.
Mother: What Ponzi scheme?
Me: THE Ponzi scheme. How is it possible that you don't know this?!?!?!
Mother: I don't have time to know things. [I roll my eyes]
Me: You're so uninformed. 

[This part of the conversation was when the newscaster was talking about a military coup or something of that sort.]

Mother: What's a coup?
Me: Go look it up.
Mother: Just tell me.
Me: GO LOOK IT UP. In the big book in my room. 
Mother: I don't have that kind of time [AGAIN I roll my eyes]

Oh, mother. You're so funny. 

I need to make a collage. Random, but I think one would look cool on my wall. A collage of book titles, perhaps? 

Books of Summer 2009: 15
Books of 2009: 32

Bye! See you tomorrow! 

*To clear this up, my parents didn't just set me in a floaty thing and leave me for multiple hours unattended in a pool. They were always out there with me. 

Monday, June 29, 2009

One More Thing

I forgot to say that Independence Day [or 4th of July to many Americans] is on Saturday! 

My parents and I are either 
(A) Going downtown for the traditional fireworks. 
(B) Going to the beach for fireworks
(C) Watching the crazy people of our neighborhood set off fireworks 
or (D) all of the above. 

The problem with A is that downtown St. Petersburg is the CRAZIEST place in Florida whenever there's any type of event going on. Any festival, baseball game, fireworks display. There are people, literally, who charge 20 bucks for you to use a parking lot to park your car. 20 BUCKS! And also, there's always a whole bunch of drunks running around downtown during the fireworks, asking for money, beers, among other things. 

Not to mention the balloon artists! Those people are crazy! I was walking along the street after a festival with my parents, and one of them calls out to me, 'Balloons are great for 19 year olds!' 


The dude must have been BLIND, because I, in no way, look like a 19 year old. My maximum age is probably like, 15. It was probably those shorts I was wearing. See, I have this theory. I like to wear short shorts to public events sometimes. I think it scares the public. The public needs a good scaring every once in a while. 

The problem with B is that the beach fireworks never end well. Someone always gets hurt. And with my luck, if we went, I would be that one person. 

And the problem with C is that the people in my neighborhood are crazy. And annoying. And very irresponsible with their kids. 

Now, I'm not one to say 'Never let your kids out of your sight!' or 'Keep them by your side at all times!' I hate it when those parents put little leash/backpacks on their kids. I HATE it. But some of the people in my neighborhood are careless about their kids. 

Take the people that live across the street from us as an example. Two parents, and their daughter. The daughter is 9. She's kind of annoying, but that is besides the point. The parents used to let her go to the neighbor's house, down the block. The neighbors are nice enough, and they let her walk their dog when she wanted to. Except when she did walk him [their dog], she took him 5 blocks away. I've seen her on a REALLY busy street. It's too far for a 9 year old to walk. It's too far for me to walk by myself. And her parents don't even care. 

They bought her a mini motorcycle. And they let her ride it on that same busy street. By herself. Without any adults around. A car could back out of a driveway and not see her, and bam. She'd be hurt, or even dead. And while she may be annoying, I would never wish her any harm. She's just a little kid. 

But other than the irresponsible parents and the crazy old woman a couple houses up from mine, this neighborhood is pretty boring. But I have a solution.

Someone needs to have an affair. 

And someone needs to have one now. 

Sorry for the extra long post. But I finally woke up, so I thought I'd post again. [=

Tired. Just Plain Tired.

It really is miraculous that I'm even typing this right now. I didn't even go to bed at an extremely late hour. The last time I looked at my clock before falling asleep was at 11:30. I think. Anyway, that's not really that bad, considering that I've be known to stay up until 1 o'clock reading. Really. 

Currently, I'm reading Catch-22. Don't you DARE judge me. It's VERY good. 

Normally, I would type a more in depth phrase to describe a book, but really, you don't know how much effort it took for me to just type 'normally' and 'depth'. 

A conversation from yesterday between my mother and I:
Mother: There were 'The Biggest Loser' tryouts in Tampa
Me: Yeah.
Mother: Where do the shoot the actual show?
Me: At 'The Biggest Loser' ranch.
Mother: Where's that?
Me: At an undisclosed location. Just south of Area 51. 
Mother: What's Area 51? 

And this is why my parents' chromosomes were EXTREMELY well distributed. I have my mother's practicality, and my dad's smarts. My dad's hair color and my mother's hair texture [which is really not that great, but whatever]. Etc, etc. 

Well folks, I'm going to go eat some enriched flour, niacin, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, monosodium glutamate, and lactic acid. [aka Cheez-Its] 

Books of Summer 2009: 15
Books of 2009: 32

Bye Guys! See you tomorrow! 

Sunday, June 28, 2009

All this Death and Despair is really Gloomy

Really? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG THIS MONTH?!?!?!? We're up to 5 celebrities dead. David Carradine, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and NOW Billy Mays. BILLY MAYS! That dude with the OxiClean commercials! And the Awesome Auger and Mighty Putty. Remember how he always started the commercial by saying 'Hi, Billy Mays here!'? He was awesome. 

Not to mention Tampa elections supervisor Phyllis Busansky. She was only 72 years young! 

Anyhoozle, I went to see The Proposal with my parents today. It was pretty hilarious. I almost started crying at the end though. *SPOILER* When Betty White was 'having a heart attack', I was ready to cry my eyes out. But then she was FAKING! Hilarious. And Ryan Reynolds, let me just say one thing. If you ever leave Scarlett, I am available. Any time.

I think this is the part of the blog where I'm supposed to say something witty and riveting, but honestly, my mind can't be bothered to spew anything of that sort. What do you do when the blog you're writing gets increasingly boring???? Use some spontaneous Bee Gees lyrics, of course! 
Here I lie
In a lost and lonely part of town
Held in time
In a world of tears I slowly drown

Going home
I just can't make it all alone
I really should be holdin' you, holdin' you
Lovin' you, lovin' you

When the feeling's gone and you can't go on 
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear 
With no one to love you, you're going nowhere

There's your distraction for the fact that I'm really quite too tired to write anything clever today. [= Hope you enjoyed that. 

Books of Summer 2009: 15
Books of 2009: 32
Bye people! 

OH. I watched Borat last night. It was on the USA Network. Channel 32. Yeppers. It was........odd. I'm glad I didn't see it. Plus it's rated R, so that would've been a problem. It was kind of funny. But a stupid kind of funny. Okay, I'll stop babbling now. Bye for real now. [=

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This Day Just Sucked

Michael Jackson just died. Holy cow. 

This day has sucked all over. First Farrah Fawcett, now Michael Jackson, geez. 

RIP Michael Jackson. I may not have been happy when you were acquitted and all, but I'm not going to hold it against you. You were always a great singer. You'll be missed. Hopefully Heaven will be a great experience for you. RIP. 

Oh Suburbia. How I Hate You So

Hello everyone. There's really nothing to do around my house. Or my neighborhood. So I'm blogging. YAY!

This is my first actual day of summer alone. Which is nice, because my parents are crazy. When they're gone, no one's here to tell me to make my bed or get off the computer. My mother likes to call me every hour or so, so I can't even go to the rec center or the library. Ugh. 

So here I am. Blogging. 

Thank you Blogger for having an Auto-Save. This is me writing, except it's now 3 hours later. I just love it when the Internet shuts off. 

I just wanted to say, RIP Farrah Fawcett. I never watched Charlie's Angels or anything, but I know how important she was to some people. And of course, her fabulous hair! She's with the real angels now, out of her suffering, and she will be missed by everyone. My heart goes out to Ryan and Alana and Farrah's family. 

I haven't really been doing much since Blogger auto-saved this. I've just been typing my story/novel/thing. And listening to this.

I'm really much too lazy. I should be out, doing something. Like everyone always says. 'Go outside and play, like a regular kid.' Nope. That just won't do. My brain doesn't work that way. And depending on your definition, I'm not what most people would call 'regular'. And you know what? IT'S TOO DAMN HOT. Okay? I'm not going to go out and 'play' when it's 96 degrees out. And the heat index? Yeah. It's 105-110 this week. I'm definitely NOT going out there. That's for sure. 

I finished Girl at Sea today. It was very good, as all Maureen Johnson books. Now I just have to read The Key To The Golden Firebird, and I'll have read all of her books. Exciting. 

Ok, I'm going to come out and say it. I love musicals. And actors in musicals. 
Books of Summer 2009: 14
Books of 2009: 31

Bye people! See you tomorrow! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Um..Hi There....

Hello people of the Internet! [And Stella]

I haven't been on the computer for 6 days. Six DAYS! And I haven't blogged in a WHOLE WEEK. I have good excuses though.

  1. I was dog/house-sitting at my mother's boss' house. And they have four cute little dogs who are just pistols. 
  2. I've been doing a LOT of reading lately. I've read 12 books in 3 weeks. 
2.5: 12 books in 3 weeks may not seem like a lot for some people, but I feel that it is. I think my parents are finally getting annoyed of driving me to the library every three days to get new books. I told them I could just walk there. Or ride my bike. 

So yeah. Those excuses are golden. They came right from my own brain. 

My friend Chris's cousin thinks I'm funny. Either this person has (A) never been shown what actually funny people look and sound like, (B) no sense of what actually funny things are, or (C) has never met me. This person hasn't met me before, so it's a combination of C and something else. Everyone who has met me knows I just steal my jokes off the Internet, and I'm not really funny at all, considering none of my jokes are actually original. 

I'm really extremely bored. I was planning on going to the rec center pool today, but my dad decided to stay home from work today, so I couldn't. He does that sometimes. Randomly decides not to go to work. It's quite odd. 

Has anyone read the All-American Girl series by Meg Cabot? Because I have a question. In the first book, Jack, Lucy's boyfriend, is an artist. And he's older than Lucy. And his last name is Ryder. Right? In the second book, his last name changes to Slayter. And Mr. White, the White House press secretary turns into Mr. Green. And David's bodyguard goes from John to Rob.  I don't get it. 

Continuing with the All-American Girl series-theme.... Really? The faucet? You're really going to practice using the faucet? I wonder if it really works. If anyone is reading this and has no idea what I'm talking about, reading All-American Girl and Ready Or Not by Meg Cabot, and you'll understand. They're really good books too. 

Well, that's all the nonsense I can spew out for today, folks. See you laters! 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Well This Is Awkward

Don't you dare judge me about yesterday's blog entry. Don't you DARE. 

I spent a whole 5 minutes shuffling from foot to foot in Publix yesterday. This dude was coming in my direction, I went left, He went left, I went right, he went right, and it was all a big debacle. 

I've spent all of this afternoon watching clips from Hair on Youtube. I seriously would LOVE to go to the White House lawn with thousands of people dressed up like they're in the late 70's/early 80's. And everyone singing 'Let the Sunshine In'. That would be SO FREAKING AMAZING. 

Hayley (hayleyghoover) wrote a blog a few days ago titled 'Itunes Shuffle'. She asked us to put our Ipod/Itunes library on shuffle, and write down the first 10 songs that show up. Here they are:
  1. MMMBop-Hanson
  2. American Pie- Don McLean
  3. Hero/Heroine-Boys Like Girls
  4. Bring It All Back- S CLub 7
  5. Don't Be Stupid-Shania Twain
  6. Here Comes The Sun- The Beatles
  7. Super Trouper- ABBA
  8. Shelf-Jonas Brothers [Don't judge me]
  9. Jessie's Girl- Rick Springfield
  10. Jesus Take The Wheel- Carrie Underwood
  11. Thanks For The Memories- Fall Out Boy
  12. Circus- Britney Spears
  13. Up!- Shania Twain
  14. Lose My Breath- Destiny's Child
  15. Gimme Gimme Gimme A Man After Midnight- ABBA
I did the first 15. Those represent my Itunes Library pretty well. A lot of 70's/80's/90's songs and some alternative. And country. That too. 

Has anyone seen any pranks by Improv Everywhere? It's hilarious. It's a big organization of volunteers that conduct public pranks. They had a whole bunch of people go into Grand Central Station in New York and freeze in place at exactly the same time. For five minutes. Then they just unfroze all at once. They had 16 people go to a food court in a regular old mall, and create a random musical. They had music piped in through the speakers. It was hilarious! The looks on everyone's faces was just priceless. 

As to not bore anyone anymore today, I'm going to go. See ya'll tomorrow. Maybe. I'm not really sure. Bye! 

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hello All

I am such a bad blogger. Really. I haven't posted in 5 days. So I should probably fill you in on the horribly uneventful and monotonous thing called my life. Let's get started! [fake enthusiasm]

I haven't actually been doing much. My mom had surgery on the 3rd. She won't let me talk about her bodily functions on the Internet, so I can't say what it was for. But anyway, she's been home since the 4th. With me. Every day. And she can't even drive, so we can't go to the mall or anything interesting like that. 

Instead, she's taken me to the rec center pool down the street. She checks out the lifeguards while I swim. It's really quite entertaining. Some people are just so funny.


5 Signs That You May Be Addicted To The Internet:
  • You don't go on the computer for 2 days, and it takes you an hour to go through your email and blogs. 
  • Same scenario as number 1, and it takes you 2 hours to go through and watch your Youtube subscriptions. 
  • Your friends send you multiple emails, and you, never receiving them, are surprised when they send one with the subject Fwd: RACHEL'S GONE MISSING. SEARCH PARTY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
  • You have more than 5 email addresses.
  • In those stupid forwarding game/things, you send yourself the email, just to see if it really works. 
5 Signs That You're Addicted To Harry Potter:
  • You were EXTREMELY disappointed when your 11th birthday came and the Hogwarts letter didn't come. [I've still got 4 possible chances]
  • You had to read the end of The Half Blood Prince and all of Deathly Hallows with a box [or two. or five] of tissues. 
  • You try to 'convert' your friends from Twilight to HP. 
  • You read Deathly Hallows in 8 hours. 
  • Say 'She's such a Lavender' or 'He's such a Snape' or 'He's such a Lord Voldemort' when someone is either A) annoying, B) annoying/mean, C) EVILLLLL
I had a REALLY strange dream last night. I was in some fraternity house/ school thing, and there were a whole bunch of my friends partying. Except we were all college kids. And then for some reason, me and my friends [Becca, Stella, Victoria, Kristina, and Chris] decided to take showers. And there were actual showers, too. Stalls and what not. So we're all showering [ and singing for some reason], and some of our guy friends come in. We [the girls showering] scream, even though we all have towels to cover up with and all. The guys retreat to their respective stalls to change and shower. Except for a few guys, who decide to hang around and talk to us. Including the guy who I used to like. So I walk across the room to the sinks, where he's standing. But I only have a towel on. I try to be all nonchalant and cool, just going over to fix my hair and get my clothes. And then, he starts toward a stall, grabbing my bag with him. And I'm all flustered and fake upset. He goes in the stall, and starts to get undressed. I push the door open, and he's got his shirt off and the belt half off. He says, 'You want to join me?' and I'm like, 'Sure.' All nonchalant, like I said. So I take the towel off, and he's all like, 'Holy cow.' He LITERALLY said 'holy cow'. So we started making out and then I woke up. 

I shouldn't eat chocolate chip cookies or s'mores ice cream before bed.  


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Summer Summer

Hello all! It is Wednesday. Boring, plain old Wednesday. 

I have been very productive in my reading in the last week. The books of Summer 2009 are: 
  • The Year of Secret Assignments, which I absolutely adore. The ending literally made me laugh out loud. I wish I was Lydia. Seriously. It's extremely witty.
  • Just Listen. It was really deep and amusing, like all of Sarah Dessen's books. 
  • The Boy Book. I can explain. This book is the second in the Ruby Oliver series, by E. Lockhart. It sounds really stupid and mundane, but it's actually really well written. It has these entertaining and funny footnotes, too. Throughout the book.
  • Devilish. It was different than all the other Maureen Johnson books I've read. More fantasy than the others. And of course, not real ending. But a good book nonetheless.
  • Someone Like You. Also by Sarah Dessen. I like how she always writes her books about friends and how they have to struggle through such crazy situations. 
I'm reading Wintergirls right now, which is by Laurie Halse Anderson. Her books are really good. Wintergirls is a tad confusing. 

I think the library is annoyed with me. I'm there almost every 2 days, and I always check out 3 books at a time. I just recently found out that all poetry is nonfiction [don't judge me], so that brought on a whole new cornucopia of book options. They don't have a very good selection on Tuesdays though. 

Well, I'm going to go now. Bye people!

P.S. I have been told by a friendly person commenting on Youtube that there is no universal plural form of platypus. Is this true? 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me [=

Hello everyone! My birthday was kind of ho-humish. Only a few things of note today, and none of which had anything to do with my being a year older.

Things of Note:
  • I went to my friend Koni's party today. T'was a blast. 
  • Received various monetary amounts from parents, friend, and grandparents.
  • Went to the beach [at Koni's party] 
  • Got whistled at as I tried to cross the street with my friends. 
That was all of today's exciting events. 

Oh. I should probably explain the last bullet. 

Well, we were at the crosswalk, trying to get the people to slow down so we could walk across. Just to note this, I was with 4 other girls. All of which are beautiful, and all of which were wearing bathing suits or shorts shorts. So here come these guys on motorcycles. They zoom past us, and a few of them whistle. And all us girls start cracking up laughing. 

We didn't think to highly of their whistling. 
My roof is very comfortable. I was up there with my dad last night, watching him set rat traps, when suddenly, a GIGANTIC hawk flew down and tried to grab this squirrel that was running. [This was all happening where the bulldozers took down all the trees. The trees that they did leave are surrounded by little fences. The squirrel was running between two trees.] The hawk couldn't get it. So it just gave up. 

Wait. That makes me look mean. It's not like my dad just sets rat traps for fun or anything. There is a genuine rat problem at our house. We've had a maximum of 10 rats on our tree at one time. That's WAY too many rats for me to handle. So we [he] decided to 'thin the herd'. All I did was sit on the roof. I didn't help with the trap- rigging process. 

I think I'm going to sneak to Koni's house at 1 a.m. on her birthday and leave her a lavish birthday present on her doorstep. Wearing ninja-gear, of course. 

Well, I should be going now. I've got a total of 16 pages in my story. I think it's going quite well. 

I say going way too much. 

Bye peoples!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Really? It's Raining? Again?

It's raining again. As you can probably tell. I'm not too happy about this sudden precipitation. It's killing my summer mood. 

I was supposed to go to my friend Sarah's house today, but her parents had to close on a house [her father flips houses] and then they couldn't find my house, etc. etc. Luckily, I'm going to my friend Koni's house tomorrow for her birthday party/thing. Even though it's MY actual birthday tomorrow. I really can't be bothered to do anything special, so it's nice that I'll be seeing my friends. Even though they're not there to see me. And we're going to the beach, because Koni lives directly across the street from it. Literally. I'm MapQuesting it right now, and it's LITERALLY across the street from the beach. 

I've written more of short story/novel. [= You should be proud. It's now 8 pages long. It's about a girl named Beth Hawthorne. Her father's an architect and her mother's a clothing designer. She lives in Colorado and goes to boarding school in Florida. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'Isn't that idea a little bland? Someone's probably thought of that before.' Well yes, you are right, but I don't actually care. Because I'm just writing this for my personal benefit. So point your disparaging finger somewhere else. *Oh yeah, that's right. You just got told*

Well, I must be going now. Much to do. Actually nothing to do. Bye then! [= 

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Awesome Library Experience

Ok, ok. I said I would tell you about it, so I'm going to. My library experience. 

Before I go on, I just wanted to say that this is just going to be a lot of rambling and stuff. So if you don't want to read that, go now. Save yourself. 

Ok. I live near a St. Pete college campus. They house our library. They suck. The college, I mean. They tore down all the trees behind my house so they can build their stupid parking lot that they don't need. 

We [me and my parents] went to the library on Tuesday. We had to drive there because my mom was feeling ill. Otherwise, we could've walked there. It's only like, 3 blocks walking distance. 

It was amazing.

The first floor is a Starbucks, new books and DVDs, etc. The check-out is there too, as well as some computers. The little kid's area is in the back, decorated like a castle. It's so cute. Then there's a staircase. Once you walk up those steps, you step into a whole new scene. There's at least 30 computers. It looks like there's miles of books. Shelves everywhere. There's a little island in the middle where the library assistant is. There's a teen room on the right. 

But the thing I love the most is the view. There's a long wall of windows up on the second floor, with chairs. The wall faces West, so you can watch the sunset. And plus, there's a view of the woods and the pond [actually it's more of a lake]. 

The books for 'Young Adults' are actually really good. Nice selection. I checked out The Great Gatsby and The Year of Secret Assignments. I finished Just Listen yesterday, and started The Year of Secret Assignments. It's extremely witty and funny. I was going to check out The Catcher in the Rye, but I thought that would be too much to read on top of everything else. Obviously not. The books are all 28 day books, which is nice. 

Listening to 'It's Raining Men' makes me so happy. Seriously. Especially when the part that says 'It's raining men! Hallelujah!' I scream that part. But it doesn't work when you're standing in your driveway and there's several people out and about, staring at you. It's so fun. 

Well, I'm going to go work on my novel/short story/thing. See ya'lls tomorrow! Bye! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's Summer! And I'm Bored

It's the first day of summer! I'm really bored. I should be reading. Or swimming. Or at the beach with my friends. Or writing my short story that's not really a short story anymore. It's more of a novel idea/thing. Oh I don't know. 

I'd like to publicly [or semi- publicly, considering no one reads my blog], thank all the people that made this year awesome for me. Here's a LIST!

Sarah, for being my jonas-harry potter-country music buddy. [=

Becca, for helping me with my boy troubles and being you. [=

Scarlett, for being a crazy FM. XD

Chris, for being my Venezuelan buddy who can cheer me up always. [=

Koni, for being my Language Arts buddy who dances, acts crazy, and has Pink Floyd converse. XD

Stella, for helping me with my boy troubles and having some of the most fun and crazy AIM conversations EVER. [=

Victoria, for saving me from Scarlett's wrath. I am forever grateful XD

Kristina, for just being you. XD

Steven, for giving the best hugs ever. XD

Jake and Eric, for being the most hilarious dudes ever. And Jake, you're my twin. [=

Petar, Darius, and Erik, for being my Language Arts buddies. 

Danny, John, and Jabe, you guys are crazy and John needs a girlfriend, but Tech was SO much fun with you guys.  Danny's my red-headed buddy. XD 

Zoe and Shawna, THANK YOU [as well as Danny, John, and Jabe] for giving me the most fun Tech class I have ever had. Shawna, you are the best cat-artist ever. It's official. XD

Jason, for letting me copy off your review in Science. You smart Asian, you. [=

Sarah G, for being the crazy blonde that you are, and being so cool. Science was very interesting with you in it. 

Amani and Delaney, we had so much fun in Gym [and Reading, I suppose]. Our talks about Jeffery, dudes, and other stuff not meant to be heard by the public were so interesting and fun. XD

I love all those people. 

Oh darn, I was supposed to tell you about my library experience from Thursday. Oh well. That's for another blog. 

Bye Guys! See you tomorrow, maybe! [=

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's Finally Here! Or Was, Anyway

Well, the last day of school has come and gone. It was actually pretty good. 

I wore these short shorts, which was one of the crazy things of today, because I NEVER wear shorts. And when I do wear shorts, they're long. So this was quite a shock. They have squares in different colors of purple in them. And I wore flip flops, which was crazy too. My friend Lillie wore soffee's to school, and under them she had these pajama shorts from Target on. But she rolled them up so they're RIDICULOUSLY short. And she DIDN'T EVEN GET CAUGHT. It was shocking. 

I feel so rebellious. And bad. I violated the dress code, had thoughts of skipping class, and almost successfully skipped a class until I decided to go to another lunch. [Don't ask. I'll explain in a paragraph.] I'm also thinking about sneaking out over the summer. Okay, I plan on going to the library, but it still counts. 

At my school, we have three lunches. One is 'A' lunch, containing primarily sixth graders. The second is 'B' lunch, containing mostly seventh graders. And the third is 'C' lunch, made up of mostly eighth graders. I should be in 'B' lunch, because I'm a seventh grader, but since I have Advanced Spanish, I have 'C' lunch. So on days we get out early, the bell schedule changes, so that instead of 'B' lunch after 4th period, it's after 3rd. But that complicates my schedule, so I went to 'B' and 'C' lunch. It was pretty fun.

We had work in Spanish today. WORK. The eighth graders pretty much refused to do any work at all. We took pictures and videos of my eighth grade-buddy Brandon being a complete idiot. We left from 5th period too. 

It was so depressing. We all ran out from the halls, down the stairs screaming like crazy. Someone eventually pulled the fire alarm. I walked across the north courtyard, waiting for everyone to come out of the seventh grade hall. Meanwhile, there were various people standing around, hugging, crying, etc, etc. It was DEPRESSING man. Then came all my friends, streaming out of the hall, screaming, singing, crying, etc. I just kept walking back and forth between the middle of the north courtyard and the stairs, hugging people, having 'have a great summer!' and 'see you next year!' yelled at me, yelling the same things back. It was a great bonding experience. 

Even though I'm seeing at least 5 to 10 of my BEST friends on Saturday [my birthday] for my friend Koni's birthday/end of the year party. That's my highlight of my birthday. Going to my friend's party. 

Funny Quote Of The Day: Where the HELL did that bastard descend from? No woman would want to be pregnant with THAT. - my friend Kristina. 

I'm really bored. Tomorrow is my first official day of Summer 2009! I'll tell you about my library experience tomorrow! Bye Guys! 

Days Left In Seventh Grade: I'M AN EIGHTH GRADER NOW [=