So, yesterday was Alex, so I believe Jason was after that.
Ah yes. Jason. The oh-so proud Korean womanizer at my school. He was one of the more casual crushes, really. It's not like I ever had a chance, but whatever. Pretty much ever girl in our grade has fallen for him at some point. Only the lucky few get chosen. Or some culty thing like that.
Then there was Roger. He was the only actual boyfriend I've ever had. And by 'boyfriend', I mean a dude who you meets after his French class, walks you to your Math class because he has it with you, walks you to your 7th period class and hugs you goodbye for the day. Then, when he gets home, logs onto his computer, and sends you millions of IM's. And the only time he said 'I love you', was in an IM conversation. I ended that after a month and a half. Well, if we're to be technical here, Stella did it for me. [And I totally owe you for that. If you need me to break up with your stupid boyfriend for you, ever, I'm happy to oblige]
Jabe, John, and Danny all lasted approximately 10 days or less. I didn't go out with them, of course, but I did feel a twinge of frisson. So I'm going to say that they count. There wasn't ever really anything exciting that happened, because frankly, I doubt that Jabe or John actually liked me. Danny did at one point, but I overlooked it, so it doesn't really matter.
And to round up the year, was Darius. The white Arab. [inside joke]. I was attracted to his curly hair [which rivaled only a few people's, including my own], his ability to ace every single math test, thus beating me in grades. Not trying to brag, him and I were 2 of around 5 in our class that actually did the work without much effort. And he was pretty funny.
But one day, when I was in Tech, I exclaimed that we were going to play Truth or Dare. So, we went back to the studio [long story] and sat in our respective seats, and played Truth or Dare. It came to my turn, and I picked Truth, as always. And they asked me who I liked. And I just HAD to tell them. I mean, in the world of 7th grade, you can't just refuse a Truth question. So I told them. And by 'them', I mean Jabe, John, Danny, and my female Tech friends, Shawna, Zoe, and the wannabe friend Victoria. She's another long story. And I made them swear to not tell him.
But of course, in the world of 7th grade, no one actually abides by the swearage.
So John went and told him. I really should've just expected it.
So the next day in Language Arts [we had that class together], one of Darius' friends, Erik, came up and told me that Darius would be right back. I believe the term he used for him was my 'lover boy' or something to that effect.
And that just went awkwardly. His friends crowded around him doing what 7th grade boys do when they find out their friend is liked by a female. My friend Koni and I tried to pretend that nothing odd was actually happening. I really should've just used that opportunity to tell Erik that I would explain to my friend Sarah that he would like to take her on a little midnight cruise around the bay and that he thirsted for her loins, or something creative like that, because behind his back, I got Danny to tell me who he liked. That would've fully shut him up. Dang.
So, to end this as to not bore you, I ran out of class as soon as the bell rang, went to my chica Chris, explained the situation to her, and told her to find out what he thought. She happily obliged, being the wonderful female that she is. It took almost a week, I got Stella to MySpace him [how thoughtful right?] and as we were talking on AIM, she got his reply back.
'No', it said. 'I don't really like her.' Stella posted it in our IM, and I just about had a coronary. That was one of the worst feelings I've probably ever had. But oh well. I'm over him now. [=
You've finally completed the chronicle of my love life. Thanks for riding, please exit to the right. Remove all personal items from the... Ok, I'll stop.
I hit the 30 book mark for the summer last night. XD
30 books, all from summer!? My goal for next year is to read 50 books, throughout the year, but all in summer!? It's been fun watching your love life, haha. I kinda hate the word blog right now, so I love your "web log". :)