Or a really bad thunderstorm. One of the two.
Yesterday night, I discovered J.K.Rowling's Official Website. Let me go squee for a second.
Ok, I'm better. The whole website has riddles and things on it. Truly awesome. I tried to solve it, but I failed. Miserably. And it's not like I didn't try. I tried all right. For two and a half hours, I tried. And I STILL FAILED.
Oh well. The fail whale has set sail for me.
I've spent the past 3 hours watching clips of NCIS episodes. I have decided that Abby and McGee need to have children. And Ziva and Tony need to date, because they know they need to.
I realize that it's fairly pathetic that the only show I watch on TV is a show about Naval Criminal investigators. But I can handle pathetic. Especially if I get to see special agents McGee and Dinozzo almost daily. Mostly daily. Ok, everyday. But they're cute, ok?
Does anyone else's dog bump your hand when your typing your blog because she wants to go outside? Because mine does that all the time. It's weird. And annoying. Because I have to keep erasing whatever I was writing because it goes all asjkflasjaslkghakl. And stuff like that.
Ok, that really wasn't quick, but it doesn't really matter. I'm going to go empty the dishwasher, because I was supposed to empty it approximately 5 hours ago. See you all tomorrow!
MY DOG DOES THAT ALLLL THE TIME. I love JK's website. It hasn't been updated in like forever, but I love it.