Friday, August 14, 2009

Lack of food, and more NCIS

There is no food in the refrigerator, pantry, or anywhere else. I haven't even had breakfast yet. It's ridiculous. My mother goes to the store up to 3 times a week, and there's no food. 

I'm now obsessed with watching clips of NCIS episodes on Youtube. It's crazy, I know, but I just get so entertained by watching McGee and Abby act like they don't romantically like each other, but they really do. Or Gibbs be so protective of Abby. And Tony and Ziva? JUST MAKE OUT ALL READY. 

Gosh. I'm such an angsty teenager. 

And then I start crying because Tony got the Plaque, and Tony blew up but not really, and Abby got stalked, and Gibbs got blown up. Various other things. 

I literally had a dream last night that I was a NCIS field agent, and Tony, Ziva, Abby, McGee and I went to a bar, and then all of a sudden, Tony and Ziva went to the bathroom together, and never came back, and Abby and McGee just started making out on the bar counter. It was weird. I think I shouldn't eat popcorn before bed anymore. 

Gosh, now I'm just on a rant about how much I love a television series. 

Oh, and McGee and Tony had to take off their shirts in one video. That was pretty fricken' awesome. 

Ok, I've found some sort of food-like substance. One of those strawberry-cream cheese Bagelfulls by Eggo. Their really good when you haven't had any food in 15 plus hours. I'm counting sleep in that, so don't be all like, "Oh my god Rachel, you're an ANOREXIC!" Because I'm not. I eat quite a bit, actually. Just not that much during the day. 

I have had terrible blog posts this week. Seriously, nothing exciting has gone on at all. 

I'm going to a jewelry party tonight at my mom's boss' house. The boss' wife sells jewelry for this company, Silpada, and every couple months she has a great big sale on the season's jewelry. And she has a party at her house, where people can come and look at the stuff for sale, eat food, and drink her and her husband's wine. 

They have a whole air-conditioned closet thing for their wine. There's around 350 bottles in it. And it can hold 500. 

I suddenly feel not safe, because it is thundering and shaking the windows, so I'm going to end the blog now. Hopefully I'll see you Monday! Bye guys!

Books of the Summer: 31 
Books of 2009: 47 [I'm only three books away from my goal of 50 for the year!!!!!!]

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