In 7th period, which is Science for me, I have this MASSIVE unit test due on Tuesday. It's 350 questions. It's nothing compared to the SAT/ACT, I know, I know. But still. It just looks so scary.
I have a rainforest project in 2nd period Geography, but it's not too much. I just have to take a product, find out how it relates to the rainforest, and then spread the news to students at my school. But we can work with partners, so it's ok.
I have a quiz tomorrow in 1st period Language Arts on Tom Sawyer. I think i'll do ok.
For 6th period Reading, there's nothing really stressful. It's just my easy A class. My teacher is a very nice woman, but she sometimes [or most of the time] loses control of us. We're studying poetry still. It's really interesting actually, because she'll have us dissect a poem and share our thoughts on what it means, and some people have really cool opinions.
4th and 5th periods are EASY. They're Tech and Spanish. I don't even get grades in my Tech class. If you don't bother the teacher, he gives you an A. Piece of cake. Spanish is really easy too. My teacher loves me now because she had me last year for Intermediate, and now she has me in Advanced, so she knows I'm not a bad kid or whatever.
In lunch today, my friend couldn't open her container thing for her food. Every single person at our table tried opening it, so we asked the lunch attendant person. He couldn't open it, and he played in the NFL. We even tried Steroid Sam. HE couldn't open it. He's like, STRONG man. It was just grand fun. Poor Koni. She couldn't eat her lunch at all.
Current Weight: 131 lbs.
Bye Guys!
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