Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 3 of BEDA

Hello Internet peoples! I'm quite annoyed today.  There are so many freaking bad drivers in Florida. And some of these bad drivers aren't from Florida. They're from freaking CANADA. And OREGON. And other places. And these tourists are clogging up my local Publix. Oh well. On to more important and calming things. 

Speaking of books, [who was talking about books?] I finished 'The Boyfriend List' last night. It was pretty good. I can't believe I spent the whole night reading it. And by the whole night, I mean 8 p.m. EST to 12 p.m. EST. This is why I'm a social failure. Anyway, I started 'The Breakup Bible' this morning. It seems like it is basically the exact same thing as 'The Boyfriend List', except for the fact that the main character doesn't go to therapy and make a list of her past boyfriends or whatever. But she does have a perfect boyfriend who dumps her and she's upset as hell. 

If anyone has some good book recommendations, please tell me about them. I'm copying Kristina's [aka italktosnakes] idea from a fiveawesomegirls video. One of her new years resolutions was to read 50 books in a single year. I'm only on my 8th book. Go subscribe/follow Kristina's blog too. [=

Oh Youtube. How I love thee. *smiles contentedly*

Does anyone know who Jerry Lewis is? I'm going to see him tomorrow night. I have no idea who he is. 

Simon Cowell apparently hates Twitter. And Twitterers. 

This blog has no point today really. BYES! 

P.S. Michael Vick, I still hate your ass. You're dead to me. [=

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