Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 12: Happy Easter!

Hello People! Happy Easter!

Like I told you yesterday, I went to go help the women of my neighborhood stamp big flour foot prints all around the neighborhood. It was surprisingly fun. My next-door neighbor had two big buckets from Home Depot filled with flour and a big paw print/thing cut out from the bottom. She would go around on the sidewalk stamping the flour to the ground. It sounded like a freaking basketball. I told her repeatedly that we were going to wake the kids up by being so loud, and she replied, "No we won't. The kids in this neighborhood sleep like rocks." How very nice.

We came back to my house around 12:15 a.m. My dad called my mom at least 4 times when we were out telling us to come home, but she just kept ignoring him until he threatened to come outside with a bullhorn and scream our names. Needless to say, he's a little over-protective.

I wonder how many Peeps you can eat until they shut down your system. According to the package, 5 Chick Peeps are 140 calories and 34 grams of sugar. Oh I can feel the artery-clogging goodness just seeping through me. 

Little kids are so cute on Easter. They all have their little baskets and whatnot. *contented sigh* I miss those days. 

Well, I think I've said all I can say about Easter. I should go. 

Current Weight: 132.5 lbs.
Like It: Peeps. Easter candy in general as well. *I'm so fat it's not even funny.*
Hate It: Waking up early after going to bed at 12:40 a.m. 

BEDOODOODOO! Bye guys! [=

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