Hello people! I don't really have that much to talk about today, so I'll try to make this quick. Unless I forget to hit 'publish post' and come back a couple hours from now with something more interesting to write about. But anyhoozle, let us begin!
Today, I went bike riding with my parents [like we do every sunday], to this nearby park. Actually, it's only a little close to our house. It's like 2 miles away. But anyways, it was really nice out and we somehow managed to ride 10 miles, and I still don't feel like I rode at all. Maybe that's good. I'm not really sure.
I'd like to tell a funny story for some reason. Ok, so when we first moved into this house back in October, my mom got balloons from her friend. So, after she got tired of them, she let them go, like any regular person. Well, the balloons decided to float straight into the power transformer/thing. And it shut the power off for multiple hours. And I just looked today, and the balloons are STILL THERE.
It's EXTREMELY warm here now, and it's not even summer yet. See there's a slight difference between now, which is still coolish/breezy, and summer, which is "holy shit this is what hell is going to feel like" hot.
I'm currently reading 'An Abundance of Katharines' by John Green.[= I really need some new books to read. I'm supposed to read 'Kingdom Keepers', but my friend keeps forgetting to give it to me, and I don't feel like buying it.
Edit: My friend is giving me Kingdom Keepers tomorrow. She read it, and yet, she can't tell me what it's about. All she can tell me is that I absolutely HAVE to read it.
Current Weight: 132.5 lbs.
Love It: Spring/Summer
Hate It: How we have only 2 seasons in Florida. And not the normal 4.