Friday, July 10, 2009


Yes. It's true. I am back. From my grandparent's residence. 

During my brief stay at the above residence, I actually bored my grandmother to sleep. I've hit an all-time high. Well, she might just have been tired. She can't even watch TV in the evening without falling to sleep.

But still. Are my conversation topics really so uninteresting that it actually bores people to sleep.

Maybe I'm just overacting a tad. 

I went to the DMV with my mother today. We had to get my father a sticker for his license plate. Normally it's not that much of debacle. But today was quite different.

I walked in with my mother, thinking that this was just a regular visit. I don't mean to offend anyone, and I'm not racist. But I was the only white person in the whole DMV. My mom   is olive-complexioned. And sitting in the DMV office, I was getting death glares from everyone else. It wasn't a very happy experience. 

Anyway. My grandparents woke me up at 8:37 this morning. And I went to bed at 11:30. It is completely unacceptable for me to be awake before 9:30 a.m. 


Daniel Radcliffe is a very competitive person. And he cheats at Monopoly. 

Isn't he just dreamy??????? Insert loving sigh here.

His joke on the Today show. 

"What's the difference between a stoat and a weasel?"

"Well, the stoat is stoatally different from the weasel and the weasel is weaselly recognizable."


He goes on the sexy list for sure. 

Well, I'm going to go make myself a s'more. Goodbye!

Books of Summer 2009: 19
Books of 2009: 36
S'mores of Lifetime: 6

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